regarding new emoji reminder

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by BlackEagle619, Oct 22, 2015.

  1. Hey guys, as iOS 9.1 is now out, there is now an emoji that will be added to the filter list to prevent players from posting it, we have been informed about this new update so we are giving you guys a early heads up as you may already have seen a few players have been silenced by posting this certain emoji up.

    For now any player caught posting this new emoji up on world chat, walls, banners or Forums will be dealt with and an email will be forwarded for that player.

    Please be aware, that hasn't been added to the filter list just get, so it may take 24 hours to do so, so any follow up questions about this new update, please contact any moderator regarding about this update to prevent getting silenced.

    Thanks guys.
  2. Which emoji is that again?
    Post it here so we'll know
  3. It's best not to, as this can be either silenced or forum ban now, it's best to inform players, I have requested the developers to post on this thread to confirm the update.
  4. Well we kinda need to know. Ive already updated 6s n theresfar more than1 sooooo. Is it all of them orrrr

    I c none that r offensive. Except maybe a glasses nerdy person or unicorn lol. Just describe it
  5. It's the middle finger emoji...Connor sense not to post well as knowing which emoji is inappropriate
  6. It is just this one emoji right now.

    It is the middle Finger emoji, so guys be careful thanks :)
  7. Glad I don't update my phone no idea what emoji got added and don't care keep on tapping
  8. Thx. How I possibly missed that idk. I thought it was gonna b the nerd w glasses person lol
  9. Yeah I didn't know that was added either lol

  10. If My calculations are correct I can't use it in CC?
  11. We have a middle finger emoji now?! Sweet!

    I can't wait to use it in places other than public chat channels in KaW
  12. It's the best and most used emoji so far! Finally
  13. Now, this is just hilariously stupid.
  14. Thank you for the reminder!

  15. Wow now u can be silenced for pictures I guess in kaw they don't like pictures that can mean a 1000 words tut tut
  16. Looking for the emoji has been more exciting than the last 3 events combined....
  17. @vanguard
    Oh wow, inappropriate pictures aren't allowed on a game that many children play! Because you could definitely post any picture you wanted before the darned emoji was released, right?

    As a side note, even crude ACSII art has been silenceable for a few years. Why should emojis, which are far more explicitly clear in terms of meaning and image, be any different?

    As a sider note, if I remember correctly some creative emoji combinations have been silenceable as well. It really isn't a new thing man.
  18. ️this.

    Did I mention I love Toast?

    Good to see you around.
  19. Creative emoji combos sound fun!
  20. I might not know any game mechanics anymore, but I can still be an arrogant know it all about the rules :p

    Hai drgn <3