The personality above you

Discussion in 'Activities' started by _______D_A_R_K_N_E_S_S_______, Oct 15, 2015.

  1. So you see how spiders usually have a wicked accurate consistently shaped web, my webs are very... Unlike that to say the least...
  2. Spells words phonically.
  3. Black magic user.
  4. not the sharpest tool in the shed.and wrong i am female ask wolfie
  5. Give me donrico back, theif. It's all your fault
  6. The guy who talks to much, and thinks people are listening so he keeps saying it over and over again till someone finally tells him to shut up, but keeps trying.
  7. Uwot?
  8. Plz stick to what the thread is actually about
  9. Pretends to wear big boy pants and secretly listens to Madonna..

  10. Just that guy.
    Nothing less nothing more, that guy here is prime
  11. Queer
  12. Loves the D ^
  13. Napoleon syndrome
  14. Trollolololololololol
  15. Hand of satan.
  16. Hαร α αบяα ๑ƒ รεςяεςγ
  17. Probably scared of taking hits and wants to hide behind a big confusing username.