••• Bring back KaW_Creative! •••

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by llR_-I-_Pll_Delta_llR_-I-_Pll, Oct 4, 2015.

  1. Well you could just meet me in Paradise Hangout or WC(whichever one you prefer) at about 4:30 PM CST

    So like 30 mins okay?
  2. Sorry, you have to find me. Otherwise all the mystique is gone.
  3. Found you. :lol:
  4. Why just call him Snoo when you could call him Snoo Snoo?
  5. I only just saw this 
    I got rejected tho
  6. Give me wall art KaW_Creative :D
  7. Already know a devs acc.i think its u lel
  8. Orly? Tell you wat. If you guess and it's actually me, I will freely admit it and you can farm me until the cows come home. If you're wrong, however, then I will gloat mercilessly for five minutes or so.
  9. In the clan goodbye kaw :wink: we all know that acc hasnt been deleted sign my wall :wink:
  10. I like Snoo Snoo much better. I sure hope this is meant to be a South Park reference like I think it is...
  11. This is the best
  12. Oh you can do so much better![/quote]

    Whoops, sorry, this was meant to be a response to someone else's email.[/quote]

    I only just saw this 
    I got rejected tho[/quote]

    No, not at all!
  13. Whoops, sorry, this was meant to be a response to someone else's email.[/quote]

    I only just saw this 
    I got rejected tho[/quote]

    No, not at all![/quote]
    Bb code fail?
  15. Futurama! KaW Creative rules!
  16. Support. (Found you babe)
  18. I forgive you kaw_creative
  19. What. What I do.
  20. What a nerd. Kaw_creative isn't creative. He actually sounds like he's moose. Now THAT was an insult.
