did moblie gaming kill handhelds with friendship?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Lord-Farmington, Oct 16, 2015.

  1. Ashes I've never laughed so hard in forums before hahahahaha, incredible. This thead is my personal opinion. I don't expect many to share my view, but it is what it is :) comments are very enlightening, its good gravy 
  2. Honestly, this game brought me my first set of actual friends since kindergarten. Downloaded it from an ad for credit in some other game iirc. Opened it, had no idea what I was supposed to do, opened forums to try and figure it out, had no idea how to navigate (I was 13, gimme a break), but within 10min of starting I got a wall post from someone asking me to join a clan. I didn't know what I was doing, so I did. That was one of the best decisions I ever made.

    It was a great clan. Very private, hyper-paranoid admin who didn't want people to chat in cc so we always used pal. As a side effect, no one missed messages or chat if they didn't want to. We had an osf (for newbs, that's basically a pvp version of an eb) and a solid clan structure. Most importantly, we had a huge amount of camaraderie. Compared to larger clans, ZAFT, iG, the like, maybe it wasn't that extreme. I've never been in any of those, so I don't know how it runs. But everybody knew everyone. Nobody really didn't like anyone else, except for one guy everybody disliked, which proceeded to become a running joke. There was always casual banter, long-winded BS sessions, longer-winded strategy discussion and explanation, and so much stuff.

    I learned to play, but I really learned to socialize. I made friends. I made friends who I saw outside of wherever we met. I loved my clanmates--still do--with more of my heart and loyalty than I had anyone else. I grew and expanded emotionally and as a person.

    (This is the short version, lol)

  3. you just said "actual friends"....dude these arent real friends when you turn your app of nobody comes to visit you.
  4. I like this thread - Thank you - i Was a games since All those consoles, later PC, after All that i step in The MMO, tap tap games , i started with mafia ones , until a friend introduce me to KAW
  5. At least he has friends on kaw, I assume your constant seeking attention on forums is due to your lack of RL friends and friends on KaW.
  6. Can't tell if this a rant thread or he actually cares about his friendship and wants to motivate us...
  7. Friend: a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter, try again noob :lol: .
  8. Nope, actual friends. The friends that I do actually talk to outside of KaW and about non-KaW things, the friends that, despite my not being active in almost three years, are still excited to see me log in, the friends who have kept up on a regular basis throughout those years, the friends who were my (virtually only) support through one of the most difficult times in my life, the friends that I laughed with, bonded with, shared stories, lives, and struggles with, cried with, and learned with. Which, as I recall, is a fair definition of a friend.

    You don't spend six months, a year, two years, five years, actively and deliberately interacting with people and not develop some sort of bond. This is the internet; you don't have to spend time with people you dislike. Those that you do spend time with readily become significant in your life in some capacity.

    Claiming that people can't form genuine bonds and relationships simply because of the medium is modernist ********. I will be the first to say that a lot of internet users don't understand that there are real humans on the other end of things, but a lot of them do. Times change, and many people change with them. People figure out how to do things different ways.

    Are there people who do disappear entirely and forget? Yes. But not everyone fits there. People disappear, and come back and remember nothing. People disappear, and run into you at some point later on and get so excited, and you catch up as much as possible until the inevitable "see you next time!" People lurk. People stay. Like anywhere else in life.

    I still have baby photos, wedding photos, pet photos, hundreds of memories of good times and bad, and years' worth of shared experiences. I have met the families, become a part of them, and lost parts of them. I have sent gifts, and received gifts.

    I have loved, and I have been loved, both here and on other games, and how much else does friendship require?
  9. Nice quote timing, Mask. Thanks :p

    (Edit: not sarcastic, sorry that it looks that way, it's been a bit since I've done forum typing)
  10. Much obliged :) .