It seems to me that events just seem to get more and more boring and they are all exactly the same. They are coming up too often people don't seem to look forward to them anymore. So I think that there should be a bigger gap between events to give players a time to cool down in a way and get their clams back on track and so on. Please leave how you feel about this and whether you agree. Thanks
I totally agree with you! These events come non-stop and we don't need more overpowered equipment (mine is useless now compared to everyone).
Events should be something u look forward to not groan about. And all these events are making me groan big time!
I look forward to them. I don't spend money but do good enough that the free stuff pays off. And they aren't non stop events as we have had a break from the last one. But meh people wouldn't be people if they never had anything to complain about
Devs preparing to shut down kaw lol. B2b events, keeps most paying and they wanna get as much money as possible.
I agree, way too many events. Only way to get them to change is for ppl to stop falling into HTE clans and following suit to these non stop events.
I hated this response but ive come to agree w it.......if u dont like events then just dont do them. Play kaw like no event on. Personally i enjoy the free silver bar lol
I just don't enchant unless I got a fair amount extra. Atm got like 180 inferno and 270 aqua. I don't feel the need to full enchant since better equipment will pop up anyways. Also now it is really chill and easy to get awesome equipment by just being a bit more active. People act like you HAVE to go balls to the walls and grab the best. I say you try if you want, real life or other stuff interferes so be it. Calculate how much you earn a day and project to see if you'll make it. Then take it easy. If you end up not at your goal, no biggie, new equipment coming out for the next event. It's quite fun actually, and these events actually keep me more engaged and active. I wish they'd have mini-sales more often like other games do. Sales boost profit IMO, like a sale on $10 nobs or $50 nobs or something. I don't understand why their prices never change when I think that'd help far more than in-game changes. In-game changes just help keep and attract new customers. I really do enjoy the events though.
Not much of a break from the last event, they are almost non stop. Yea it gives free stuff but the big spenders get even more free stuff making the gap between payers and non payers bigger. But meh mods wouldn't be mods if they didn't defend the Devs.
I agree hut I don't. The silver/bb payout for nonpaying players to do epic battles they normally do is good
I think we need more events, events in events with special side events that give you boosts for the original event.
Yeah I agree. Logged on, seen the notification, the free crystal and the chest meter. Made me cringe instead of being excited. It's way too much event. Yes. Developers need cash to run the game but this is ridiculously too much. I for one would like to get the max equip rewards, no point of joining if you're not gonna get the best rewards but you only have about 20% chance of getting them without spending money. It's every other week. Seriously, releasing new equips with better stats than what we got days ago?
Devs dont even wash thier privates off any more before sticking them right back up our butts. Its rediculous. I mean damn can they atleast buy me a pack of cigs cuz i like to smoke a cig after i get screwed.