Far too soon. And you still haven't adjusted drops for actions vs eb time payout. Those doing the large ebs are doomed before it starts. With events now so frequent you are forcing players to hit hte or not to grow at all. Fine for the lb. useless for everyone else. I won't be spending again on this event. There is a limit to how often before we all get annoyed with these. And now they are basically back to back it's killing every other aspect that once made this game and community worthwhile. Can you not at least wait a month between the end of an event and the start of the next? Is it too much to ask for this to be a game first and a cash grab second?
So exactly the same as all the past events but with different names for the things? Where's the creativity? Where's the imagination? Where's the thought?
Same crap different day at least if you are going to make a event every week switch it up same old same old is boring what is wrong with you devs.
We want... 1) fixing ee wars/pvp 2) better clan structure 3) 2nd eb in lotl(maybe?) We get... 1) eb event with same pattern as last 5 2) silver bars which just sell for 10x as bronze bars Well done devs, well done
Guys you don't HAVE to spend. I'm going to spend 0 this event and with Pvp and b2b free ebs I am sure I can make 5k. Definitely not anywhere near as easily as those doing b2b HTE, but I'll keep my money lol. And besides these events are optional and do help new players, but it is sad they just reskin past events and don't spend much time on us anymore.
Silver bars? Sounds cool, I know that's been requested for a while. If silver is given out in the same amounts as bronze but returns more then the event is definitely worth it.
I have seen literally 100s of ideas to improve this game admittedly 90% suck but the 10% could improve this game a lot yet you just run event after event instead of fixing things that need fixing.
Haha you savages fix other issues most people complaining about before adding another p2p event. I for one will not waste a dime on this one what are you gonna do another 5 back to back event for full armour again