What's Next?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by 3B_M0NST3R0F3_L0RD, Oct 14, 2015.

  1. So what do you think the devs will come up with next or release soon?

    Generally after massive maintenance on the servers,two days in a row, they release something. Last was the extending if building levels from 1-5 to 1-10.

    Before that was abyss lands, and t7.

    My hopes is a fix to the PvP/EE systems and rewards, not just events.

    Other things, I would assume, would be the next eb in LOTL series or an updated clan structure.

    What do you think will be next?


    Daily log in incentives

    Spy quests

    Co lead and Head admin option
    (A more detailed version of this idea exists in Moose's "Clan Structure" thread)

    Improve the PvP equip to be better than PvE equip.

    More plunder % equip, similar to PvP event trinket.
  2. Hopefully something that will unload my troops automatically
  3. I would like to see an updated clan structure. E.g. Co owner, junior/senior admins, choose to enable automatic acceptance for some players
  4. I would like to be able to raise a pet dragon
  5. Personally i think if this game were more like meego it would be great.
  6. Shhhh, don't give them any more ideas for promos 
  7. The inevitable video ads and daily reward system from PIMD is most likely what is coming
  8. Spy quests bro

  9. Never heard that one before
  10. Account trader
  11. I second this. There should be a button that automatically sends all troops into eb battle and then u get te rewards in one huge payout so u don't have to keep hitting the attack button
  12. How about we take away the repeat action button and go back to the old routine
  13. If it doesn't make the devs cash you can bet they're not even considering it
  14. Wow they sound like awful people sure wouldn't want to meet them
  15. Once apon a time there wasn't even a repeat action button...

    Suprising how lazy people can get in a tap tap game.
  16. I hope they release a response to the feed back i sent about the gold and ally that magically disappeared on me during last nights crash...

    Seriously, thats ****** up.
  17. Was that after your sixth, or seventh beer last night BMT?
  18. Dont be a hater just because you cant come up with original ideas
  19. Pet update is long overdue.
  20. I'd support pet dragons and spy quests. Some solid ideas there..