Devs, I do not usually ask for public responses however it appears that for the past 1 1/2 years there has been no public response to what is being done or going to be done about the match up issues. If the plan is to move towards having only indi wars then please let us know that and please let us know why. There have been many attempts by the community to save the clan wars but the severely flawed match up system have caused even those efforts to end up with bad mismatches. The only response the community has received was a generic "if more clans signed up then the odds of good match ups will increase" but everyone knows this is a BS response because a lot of clans used to sign up but nearly all of them were getting bad matches so they all quit putting forth the effort. I personally want Round wars back but with a good match up system. Please give us insight on what the future looks like for EE and clan wars instead of trying to tell us how to cope with the severely flawed system. I think you will see a sudden interest in wars if you announce changes in the match up system and maybe return everyone's xstals that war for about a week just to test the changes and not have anyone worry about the risk of losing their xstal over any bad match ups. This thread is not intended to get a lot of support from the community (although it is appreciated), it is just another attempt for us to get some information from the devs. HTLFreak/Vadue
You must be an eternal optimist. Recommend to them that you have to drop a seal to war, and for every circle you drop while warring increases your plunder by 1%. That will get the devs attention.
I, for one almost never had any experience in EE warring except for Season 5 which my record was 3-1. I fully support anything that gets EE back to life! Support the xtal returns too! Even if I don't naturally go to it, allow me to say: No good matches of EE= EE dying down!
I have emailed them about several mismatches even before S5. All their reply was that support will forward to developers. But what we really need is a DEV TO STEP FORWARD. And address this issue, or to create a system where we can directly communicate with the devs. Full support to this thread. Thanks!
EE is 3 years old... Time for something new.. I know it sounds scary, but maybe just maybe it's time to try something new (hint hint)... Earn that tap tap money monkeys, your loyal minions deserve a Dev team that cares or at least some new content other than refried collect to win garbage.. This song and dance is getting pretty old, just saying...
There is no future I posted this b4.... Devs haven't stated it but anyone who has done eewars sees the writing on the wall IMO devs are intentionally mismatching clans to create a sense of disdain for eewars and funnel ppl to do indiwars. It's working - less ppl do primals and indiwar participation is up. Eventually they will announce that primals will end and all wars will be indiwars Anyone who does both primals and indi can see the difference. Primals - the cs of matches clans are way off. Indi - the cs of creates clans are much closer. How can devs account for indi war where cs are close and primal cs which are way off - they can't. I think this observation makes sense.
Pessimistic point of view Presumptuous that IWar is the one n only course of action as well. Cannot see how IWar Only is solely the best answer. What is not said is all the EQ these incessant n nauseating events give r useless in Primal War.
Call it pessimistic but it's a realistic assessment There is no other possible explanation for gross mismatches especially given that 1) we dun see mismatches like this in indiwars 2) this has been an ongoing issue and we have not seen any correction/tweeks to the terrible matching system in place 3) devs have been silent
What I do see in IWars: - more inactives ruining a war - constant scramble for a WC n TR - no SS at times. I speak of my experiences in the top tiers Now since this thread is about the devs replying to why Clan Wars get no responses to Ops. IWar only is a knee jerk reaction not a solution.
One problem i've never seen mentioned is Primal War and IWar rosters the CR is not ranked properly. With BFE/BFA Off its not adjusted for Primal. With BFE/BFA on not for IWar. Is it too difficult to change these both to show the TRUE CR for warriors on a war roster? This should be updated PRONTO Also why on PC u can have CC on only n not on IDevice? WC is an unneeded nuisance. Another much earlier suggestion of a War Vault would enhance warring options n encourage even more ppl to war. Impose a war tax if needed. Why not? Vault is automatically emptied back to gold upon wars conclusion.
I truly believe that KaW needs a new aspect added to the game. There have been big updates (such as the addition of equipment or epic battles) that completely changed the game, and we are in need of one now. A new and improved warring system could revitalize the community while pulling in more money for ATA. Fingers crossed for a "big" update soon.
Hey, even if the answer isn't one I agree with, at least knowing what it to come would allow me to plan for it going forward.
As Freak said, we need to know which way we are heading. If indi is the way, we can concentrate on that. Btw preparation time of a hour can be adjusted to 5 minutes to give everybody the same handicap
Indi wars are just as bad with mismatches.. One side heavy tanks with massive towers other side loaded with ps1 and lower hensal builds.. Both wars seem lopsided more times then not ..