Since there aint lot of interest for Primal wars due to unbeleivable mismatches, replace them with Iwars or Reduce primal war frequency from 1 war per Day instead of 2.
Re: Replace Primal Wars with Indidividual Wars It is unfortunate, but let's face it, if primals could be fixed, they would be already. Support to OP.
Re: Replace Primal Wars with Indidividual Wars Support, also because I have a hard time working the wars around my schedule, and when I actually have time to war.. half the time its a primal war anyway
Re: Replace Primal Wars with Indidividual Wars Support. Primals only have a handful of people who sign up. Why? Because 1-2 clans sign up with BC spies and tanks. And anyone else wanting to try it get destroyed for two hours. Nobody has fun except the 600m cs advantage team for an easy win every primal. Indys are interesting. Always different and 90% of the time have a winning chance. Just depends on the Warriors and wc. I agree all the way.
Re: Replace Primal Wars with Indidividual Wars Yeah primals are pretty dead, disappointing thing to come back to kaw too. Individual is all that remains.
Re: Replace Primal Wars with Indidividual Wars Why? Bc devs have not fixed matches so not fair to the mid sized clans that sign up and get matched against build complete rosters. Sign up at an all time low for that reason.
Re: Replace Primal Wars with Indidividual Wars It's truly a shame but after last nights crazy mismatch I'm ready to call it quits to primal as well. I truly hate indi wars, so many people can mess that up. I would rather have a chance then none at all. Unless you are one of the lucky to get invited to a good war clan you have no chance of getting a correct match!
Re: Replace Primal Wars with Indidividual Wars Simply replacing Primal Wars with IWar is a bandaid n not the solution. 1st up is the large non-EE War gap could be filled with one war for better global coverage. I assume ATA being PST is the real issue with no staff to monitor the war. 2nd up is IWar is far from perfect albeit easily tweaked. Eg i suggest larger roster say 20 vs 20 Why u ask is cuz i find too often its a scramble for a WC n also a Tracker even on LB Tier. As for other tiers others can speak up if they see issues. 3rd up is Primal was added due to the fact Round Wars were heavily skewed to LB/SH rosters with not enough to go around the vast majority of other builds. 4th up is clan wars need a playing field if Primal can not be altered in such a fashion that greatly improves n increases participation. Ppl that want IWars only have no vested interest in clan wars generally speaking n do not have everyones interest at heart. Many of those that want subtraction can be scrutinized easily as having questionable Primal EE builds. There have been numerous n different ideas suggested by many ppl to tweak war that MUST be TRIALED at least. The Clan War community should be open to this. 5th up other formats also have been suggested that is neither IWar or Primal that could be TRIALED eg weekend DRAFT TOURNEYS. Summary: ALL IWars ONLY is not the answer but simply convenient. Previously suggested ideas that can help any war format are as listed n add as u see fit: - WAR VAULT at say 5-10% Tax - toggle to turn off World Chat during war
Re: Replace Primal Wars with Indidividual Wars Support for iwar. You still get to face a pretty balance cb stat opponent and the rest is luck and effort from your team. Opt out pwar. You destiny is fixed. It's either you in the strongest team and get a win, or you will brutally thrashed if you are in the weaker team.
Re: Replace Primal Wars with Indidividual Wars Biggest issue facing Clan Wars is too many clans n mid size builds get discouraged with poor match ups. Idk the answer nor presume to have ideas other than tiering would greatly improve Primals. The devs have said tiering is not in the cards but its time to explore it. The simple fact some ppl with eb builds want IWars only is not an acceptable reason for IWar only. Thats selfish.
Re: Replace Primal Wars with Indidividual Wars Cannot Primal Clans n a DRAFTED Clan co-exist? Or a close facsimile?