October 12th maintenance

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Eggsy, Oct 12, 2015.

  1. @kaw_comm or whoever posted it

    Please advise me how Britain can go back in time "8.00 am - 7.00 am"
    Ty for the time travel tips
  2. 
  3. For some timezones it will be October 13th, it says it in their post... Idiot.
  4. ^ sure ... He's the idiot
  5. You mean you don't have a time machine yet?
    I guess I can update the post for you regular users of time.
  6. 
  7. Damn regular users
  8. Please tell the Doctor I said I love him 
  9. Damn,

    You guys work on Thanksgiving Day?

    Vancouver I don't recognize you no more.... at least have a pint at Steamworks afterwards....
  10. 
  11. Can we buy time machines with nob?
  12. Thanksgiving is an American holiday...
  13. And in November 
  14. U live in a bubble? 
  15. It's indeed Thanksgiving in Canada. Though yes, a few of us were working today :)
  16. U.K. Needs a thanksgiving XD