Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by CharIie, Oct 11, 2015.

  1. Personally I think that achievements aren't very beneficial in any way. The only thing I use them for is to see if someone is active lol. So I think that rewards should come with achievements. This way people will aim for a certain achievement and work for it.

    I know some rewards give rewards and so do the achievements I use but the rewards I feel are too small and go unnoticed.
    Reward ideas:

    (These are just some examples of rewards for certain achievents)
    Years playing kaw achievements:
    1year- 1crystal 5nobility 5%plunder bonus (week long)

    2years- 2 crystal 5nobility 10%plunder bonus special banner 1crux chest

    3years- 5crystal 5nob 15%plunder bonus special banner 1 gold crux chest

    4years- 10xtal 5nob 20% plunder bonus special banner 2 gold crux 1horn

    5 years- 10xtal 10nob 20%plunder bonus special banner 2gold crux 1 seal 1horn

    6 years- 15xtal 10nob 20% plunder bonus special banner 5 gold crux 5 seal 5 horn

    There would be rewards for other achievements like scouts,attacks,steals,assassinates,defences.

    There would not be rewards for event achievements because you already are given rewards for taking part.
  2. Certain achievements do give you stat bonuses.
  3. Yup, the kaw anniversary and attack/spy action milestones.
  4. No support
  5. I did say I knew about the rewards already there I just accidentally pressed submit before gettingn near finishing the thread lol. Fat thumb syndrome causes me so any issues lol
  6. I honestly don't feel that they're too small. Achievements should be a reward themselves, and not just be a goal to get rewards.
  7. Having a new tiny picture on my profile doesn't really make me feel like kaw had rewarded me for constantly coming on its app every day, spending money on it and telling other people about it lol
  8. This