Haha Canada better hope not. If America goes Canada won't even be a stain in the history books. North America will be Balkanized and Canada won't have the man power or military to stop that. The US is the world leading energy supplier, with one of the worlds largest energy reserves. With the military to back it up. So no. Just fantasy dreaming. Bernie Sander won't be nominated. It's Clinton if she isn't imprisoned. Or this. Biden/Warren vs Trump/Carson. Either way...
America will probably cut defense spending depending on who wins the next election. Right now it's ridiculous how much is being spent, at the exact same time as government debt is at a critical level
If we don't use the military in the next year we will probably reduce. Which leaves Europe, Canada, Asia to fend for themselves. Of course we can always rely on those "UN" strong cities. Lol. Canada better get in on that ASAP. Maybe they can join the human smuggling cartel.
To fend for themselves? You gotta be kidding right? And against whom? The EU could steamroll Russia two times over with joint military operations. That's without the USA, which already spends nearly as much as the rest of the world combined. And fend against whom? Russian technology is still in the 1980's, as is Chinese technology (they're buying old Soviet weapons lol). Every other major world power is an ally. Even China is sort of an ally as they depend on Europe and the USA for their economy to survive (though they are trying to assert influence over Japan and other countries in that region) All these defense spending, fear-mongering and "you need to own a gun to defend yourself" schemes are just propaganda spread around by gun manufacturers to make more sales.
I think your overestimating the USA's power. Europe does not rely on the US. Its quite the opposite. Military strength...the UN can muster a huge force...don't even get me started on Nuclear Stockpiles.
What did I say about guns? Fine ask South Korea and others in Asia how they feel. Ask Poland, or Liberia. DONT GIVE ME YOUR OPINION.
As Nathan said the UN could steamroll Russia with combined and sustained operations. China... A case of quantity over quality. China are using obselete late Cold War tech, as are the Russians.
Pick up the 28-29% tab we spend on peacekeeping for the UN. Go ahead Canada, Europe. Step up or shut up. We can leave Japan to the Chinese, all of south east Asia. Unify Asia. Europe you deal with Russia and Eastern Europe. We should just get out of NATO. SORRY SOUTH KOREA I LOVE YOU, but we have to leave. Good luck.