So with the iPhone 7 rumors making it look really cool... Do phone companies offer trade in stuff? Like can I trade my iPhone 6 and get it cheaper??
Yup I stopped playing long time ago lost it over time that's what I had stored, I have so little losses for my 2 years I am currently in a clan and kofte would have had me removed by threatening them so please both of you idiots pls shush now Still wanting a answer btw
Any iPhone 7 rumors are fake. iPhone 6s just came out. There's no way that Apple has plans on how the i7 will even look. If you're asking about trading in your old phone for the newest one; many cell companies are actually doing that. As a matter of fact they are encouraging it. Although I would never do that.
Seems more forum trolls are present than b4 I left.. At least when I was around there were good ones.. You guys could learn a couple things