shady like crackdown did to you and you quickly c.f . they hardly do any inc they all big talk and nothing else . i had no inc in 3 hours they all in their eb .
ohh look the back-burner non existant fighters are always the ones to quote about others. who do more fighting in a week than they probably do in their entire kaw life. yet you have the nerve to call people insignificant. rpl have got a history of caving in to the worms and hired 500b allies off them for peace . see they ohh so brave to attack one person don in a gang . yet when it comes to clan versus clan they chicken out and take the blackmail settlement as the easy way out. yes they soo badass as a clan haha their history speaks for itself.
Donrico it's funny how you are now begging for help when this whole time you started this, a simple pvp that you felt wasn't good enough because you were getting your ass owned so you decided to add that member to ca, from there all your members have left and now your crying in forums, and the only person who came to save your is a forum warrior who thinks she is bad ass Rpl stay classy
dont even bother lying angel . don rico was pVp unholyking and he then cryed to rpl for back up. and you put don in c.a. everybody knows how don loves to fight so he isnt that cowardly to need assistance unlike rpl members.
a forum warrior haha thats rich my old account has more battle wins than your 20 times bigger stats account . so its you whose another on the back burner no fighting policy but forum squalking pro.
angel = kali.shes busy in a hte clan topping up her angel account .while her wog kali account is clanless and not helping in the apoc osw