Big ideas modified Oct 08 2015

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Vadue, Oct 8, 2015.

  1. Devs, what do you think about these ideas:

    1. Add defense bars, 1 for adt and 1 for sdt, for damage absorbed from opp attacks that regens very slowly. You can cast spells to accelerate the regen or you can pay gold to instantly rebuild 50% of each tower. NOTE: it should take a lot of hits to reduce the defense.

    2. This has been mentioned before but have never heard of any responses from KaW reps, make BFA strength go down as the player gets lower on troops and spies just like % bases equipment.

    3. Adjust mith payouts in wars for players that absorb attacks or cause the opp to fail a lot and put that stat in the end of war actions and plunder screen. Maybe a number of successful defenses stat.

    4. The defender should get 1% plunder when the defender wins the inc attack.
  2. Re: Big ideas

    1. No

    2. Then BFA would become almost pointless

    3. Meh.. i wouldn't mind more mith but that would devalue the cost of current mith equipment.
  3. Re: Big ideas

    Devs most likely won't respond, so we'll pick apart your ideas for you! Yay!
  4. Re: Big ideas

    Like they haven't already devalued current mith eq?
  5. Re: Big ideas

  6. Re: Big ideas

    This isnt clash of clans
  7. Re: Big ideas

    Never player that game...this game takes enough of my time.
  8. Re: Big ideas

    It would make it better, it would require high BFA players and WC's to be smarter at how they war, and reduces the effectiveness of SSH. It can do all of that while still giving BC nearly unlimited strength.
  9. Re: Big ideas

    Support to 3... Mith payouts should adjust to mechs.
    Fix the problem that makes ps get bad mith in war even if they make 40 actions but because they can only assas/sct (0 gold) if warring without leaking they get bad mith? That should be fixed one day.
  10. Re: Big ideas

    How so? Even if it were a percentage of 10,000 times that by the power of your troops within 0-20% and you'll find that static is a far better choice, just like it has been for the last 6 years.
  11. Re: Big ideas

    Not sure if we are on the same page, what i mean is when a player's troops are at 100% so will their BFA be, when they go down to let's say 90% their BFA only be 90% of its original power. Were we on the same page or does that make my intent a little clearer than what I originally posted?