Ok, nerds. This time, I'm feeling inspirationedonalitotious (pronounced "inspearashunuhdunaileetoshus" (it's in the dictionary (not really (ok, it might be soon if enough rappers start saying it (I hope I used the correct number of closed parentheses))))). Legend: a famous or important person who is known for doing something extremely well. Source: Merriam-Webster online dictionary. Notice the definition makes NO MENTION of whether the "something" is "good" or "bad." "Legend" is a TRULY objective word. In other words, it is blind to individual opinions. If you're helpful, you can be a legend if you're helpful extremely well. If you're hated, you're a legend if you're extremely well hated! No bias needed! Legends aren't born - they're made. Whatever type of legend you are, you make yourself a legend. And today, I would like to take a moment to recognize our KaW legends, both past and present! Many people in KaW forum like to point to the past for nostalgia about our legends, but I contend that KaW legends are being forged here every, single day. It's the users who login every day and continue to be whoever they are and do whatever they want as long as they do it WELL! So, do not look to legends of the past, but look to current legends as well as past legends to recognize those individuals who make KaW what it is. If we were all the same and changed our behavior to what everyone else wanted, let's face it - KaW would be pretty boring. AMIRITE? So now is your chance to point out who you, the priceless kawmmunity, believes are/were our KaW legends. They don't have to have big stats, and they don't have to be on the LB to be legends, although LB folks and bigs can be legends, too! So, if you think someone is a KaW legend, please post who you think they are, and more importantly, WHY you think they deserve to be called a KaW Legend.
First of all, the Merriam-Webster dictionary is one of the worst dictionaries out there. Just because a dictionary says something doesn't make it true. Heroic figures are described as legends, villains are described as Horrors. You would say "the Horror of the Holocaust" not "the Legend of the Holocaust". Legends in Kaw should be bigger builds who have done things in game. Otherwise they are just forum troll spectators. It's not "the Legend of Saltyfeet". It more "the Joke of Saltyfeet". As for my vote, no player has done as much to shape the game as we play it as Val did. The author of the best hansel guide ever, he could sniff out exploits faster than the devs could make them.
Legend comes from the Latin legere, meaning to read. In short, legends are stories worthy to be read.
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they're so many "famous" names from the past but It's difficult picking one or two and trying to memorize what they did the most.... legendairyly
Let's count. 1 2 3 4. We have 4 opening parenthesis, but how many closing do we have? We have 5. So no. You have used 1 too many closing "parentheses"
I like that, legends aren't born they are made. Thank you imitation cheese for this inspirational note of encouragement and for enlightening my perspective a little bit more.