God gave man the Earth to inhabit, and created the heavenly bodies so we could see His great power. We will never live on Mars.
I think bringing life to Mars is possible. But the existence of life there, even if in the past there has been, isn't very possible. Like, not at all possible. The lack of water on the planet will make life very hard. Water recycling is a must, or water will need to be rocketed to the planet to maintain life. They'll have to grow their own food in temperature controlled environments (temperatures in Mars can reach anywhere from -225 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit). Hydroponics is a necessity. With the risk of running into other life, they'll need some defense. We should arms these volunteers just in case. It's all cool in my eyes. Would I do if? No. I like having friends and family. Mostly.
I don't think I would find creatures of our size if I went. I believe we could find microscopic life for sure! But given the opprutunity to go depends what kind of situation in in. If I am going through tough times? Bye Eartth! But if I am successful I will definitely stay.
If there are Martians they might have laws about immigration, therefore, all humans would be illegal immigrants.
I feel like i could go live in a remote barren waste land with some strangers spending my time dressing up in a space suit collecting rocks here on earth and get a similar mars experience. Oh yeah, id be able to go home one day. The reason i wouldn't go to mars is simple. Its not because i would be scared or id miss my friends. Its because there is nothing freaking there. There are no trees to build a conventional home. No stores to buy stuff. No infrastructure of any sort. No radio stations. No tv. No phones. Just you living in a tiny pod powered by just enough solar panels to run a few light bulbs and who knows what for ac and heat. Screw that! I need that stuff and mars doesnt have it. Maybe in 100 years they might have a grocery store and space donkeys, but until then, i like having a car to drive when i go somewhere.
Actually you'd have internet, radio and maybe TV if you went as part of the colonial science team in 2024(?). They ship up satellites for all that as well as two humans every two years. Being the first to have a Martian child would be rather nice. The title "father of Mars" has a certain ring.
And FYI, I don't know where OP has been but private companies connected to the Netherlands have this Mars mission locked down. How could you not have heard?