The state of kaw

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Benny, Oct 4, 2015.

  1. Noob is someone that is inexperienced has nothing to do with being new.
  2. Benny is not the only one with a 6 years achievement, I got mine last month, too.

    I disagree with Benny. The game has lost a big part of its player base over the last years. Only maybe 40.000 active accounts left, I think. Many of them alts. And maybe only 10k of them realy active at least once a day.

    These events seem to be some kind of sellout. I have seen that in other games that lost players, their devs released more and more pay to play stuff to get the last few coins before there are not enough active players left who spend money.

    Kaw needs a break from pay to play. Instead we need a promotion to get new players in the game and make them stay. Maybe like the referral codes onces, but this time only give a bonus to the player once the new players reached some goals, maybe 10k battle wins or 20 highlands explored or sometimg like that.
  3. The man, the myth, the legend right here.
  4. Whos this benny kid
  5. Someone who has been around for a very long time, unlike yourself...;)
  6. Statless thread :lol:
  7. I don't know Deadly. He looks like some sort of noob. Also, Team Snails 4 lyfe.
  8. This isn't and has never been a pay to play game. This would mean you have to purchase the app to begin playing. Pay to win sure. But if the devs want it so that you need to pay to be the best then so what. That's not ruining this game. It's people's entitlement that is ruining it. Want want want. Please hand me the lb.I'm not saying this game is perfect because it's not. But no need for others to whine because someone else can spend more. Just my 2 cents. Meh
  9. Alright. I wasn't going to comment, but the topic has been brought up about Benny's "retirement" and community confusion, along with misinformation has been put out there, so, I need to set the record straight. I will not engage in debate, as that will just degrade into "he said she said" type of stuff. I'll simply state the facts and move on. Weather the public chooses to believe them or not isn't my concern.

    Benny and I modded together for a brief time so I'll start correcting things here from the top.

    1. CSRs have never ever taken on people to the moderation team with out knowing the age of the people who they are bringing on board. Back in the day, the process was less formal than it is now, but, yes, over a series of casual interviews, ATA "got to know" the applicants, and age was a part of the getting to know you process. I know this because I knew them, and this situation was discussed.

    2. To say Benny "Retired" is a half truth. I was there the day he "retired". Here is what happened. ATA was looking to expand our mid team, as our numbers were low. We mods were in group tossing out potential new mods. Benny wanted his friend to moderate (sorry, I genuinely can't remember who that was). Anyhow, when he proposed that person, we started mocking him. Bellemorte, donkey, and I, were particularly snarky. It wasn't nice on our part. We shouldn't have been mean to him in group, and I will admit that freely.
    Anyhow, after being the butt of one too many jokes in group, Benny abruptly left the moderator group and went into kaw and started silencing people with out just cause. He silenced lots of folks, and he had his moderator box forcibly removed from his account before he could continue doing damage. This was how he decided to "retire"

    Not long after that, (maybe several months) Benny did reapply for the moderator position, but he had broken ATAs trust and his application has since been rejected.

    3. As for Benny being the reason ATA won't let kids moderate, that's slightly unfair. Benny was one of many kid failures. We had one kid who got the mid spot and immediately went inactive. We had another kid get the mod spot who went inactive because his mom grounded him. Then we had a kid who took his toolbox and abused it. It was the culmination of these things that brought about the decision to bar kids from modding a multi million dollar app, so even though Benny does share some responsibility for the policy change, he isn't the sole reason for it. Yarmes decided to abuse his toolbox too, and he was over 18, so there is that, I suppose.

    Anyhow, I just had to set the record straight, as I was there when it happened and I can't let misinformation stand in forum regarding mod stuff and ATA history.

    This was ugly stuff, and although I can't speak for Benny, I suspect he wishes he handled things differently. Maybe he has regrets. Who knows. Also, this happened a few years ago, so, maybe he's done some growing up since then. We all change over time. I won't say Benny is a bad person. I will, however, not whitewash history either when this topic comes to light
  10. #atafault
  11. Okay so here it seems like you're accepting responsibility, at least partially.
    Then here you finish by giving a firm statement implying that he's to blame for everything he did.

    All in all this seems like an oddly similar situation to what happened with RozoBastion.
    (Who I'm guessing was one of the Kid mods that you mentioned.)
  12. If only Benny weren't the face of an entire age group.
  13. Benny is an inactive. He doesn't do anything except speak a couple of times a year and then nothing for months.

    About as useful as a chocolate teapot.
  14. So funny to watch people call benny a legend earlier in the thread despite the fact hes done nothing for years and has a noob stat account with battle wins reminiscent of a 2 month old account. ..........then moose comes out from behind the bushes n BOOM !!! explains how benny was nothing more than a petulant kid who threw a hissy fit n whos only achievement in the game was being banned as a mod for silencing people unjustly. feel pretty stupid if I was yous..... (awaits a bunch of try hards deleting posts) pmsl !!!!!
  15. I see this 'game' as more of a social messaging app with a game laid on top of it to give you side activities.
  16. A game to get laid??!!..

    Oh wait I read it wrong..

    Carry on..
  17. There is no state of KaW. It isn't in the United States and that makes it a terrorist
  18. Hello Moose,

    My 'retirement' was hardly brought up, but as you recurringly do every few months is continue to randomly bring up and falsify information in slanderous acts of defamation (against terms of service last time I checked), furthermore derailing the thread from its initial post.
    There are countless inaccuracies in your post, shall I adress :)
    1. Yes - CSRs have never taken anyone into the moderation team without knowing their age. Unfortunately for your argument, I was offered moderator by the developers of the app (4th and 5th hired workers of ATA I believe). These were staff I worked with for years, despite them not knowing my age. They, and myself are also the reason you became a moderator, whom did not formally know your age beforehand. Now the system have evidentially changed with a formal application.
    2. I have no idea what the hell you are on about, I gave Naz (csr) at the time a 2 month notice regarding my retirement so he could have noticed. When he refused to demod me, I silenced all of voodoo (whom were unsilenced 3minutes later), 3 mods were then given the role the next day. I wanted my friend to be a moderator?! Wtf you on about lol. I also had left the Palringo group months prior to resigning.
    I also did not reapply for the moderator position on kaw - I did once on smash's release offering to assist them, but they've done a fine job so far.
    3. When the developers implemented the 18+ ruling they had no idea of my age.

    "Anyway I stand to set the record straight ... and I can't let misinformation stand in the forum regarding mod stuff and ATA history" yet you post slanderous and defamating comments that clearly violate this applications terms of service.
    I think it's time to end your little vendetta moose, I thought 3 years was enough for you to get over it. Guess you serve the same maturity as an underage user applying for moderator.
  19. Shots have been fired and I like it
  20. Benny trying to call out moose for defamatory statements apparently against tou then goes n mentions third party apps......noob.....wonder how long it takes for post to be edited after I post this