ShadyMarine is a genius! #SaveKaW

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by ICantThinkOfAName, Oct 3, 2015.

  1. Re: ShadyMarine is a genius!

  2. Show some love!
  3. support to you shady but the devs it seems now are only interested in more money and not the community as a whole , but in hindsight if they wont give you anything itll end up like what happened with titan god a player with influence who tried to make a difference but couldn't because the devs wouldn't listen
  4. Support.

    The death of Future Combat was a sad day. Almost instantly lost touch with friends of several years playing.

    I agree that the writing is on the wall. I have had several instances of feeling like the old days in FC land. Guess we will see...
  5. Re: ShadyMarine is a genius!

    Maybe you can also suggest, as I know other mods have, that having so many mods in one alliance is not healthy for the game. Creating such a power centre where they pretty much feed off each other often has and will continue to result in power abuse.
  6. Support this, would love to see this game back on top, need player retention to increase. The gap is way too large still without spending thousands that normal players don't have.

    If there is no chance to win something most people won't bother.
  7. Total support to Shady. A good friend and mentor to many. Devs should listen to the wise words of a great player. It was a sad day when FC was closed down and many refused to move to Kaw. RESPECT ShadyMarine
  8. Re: ShadyMarine is a genius!

  9. other news there's always real life and you don't HAVE to play the game or follow the direction it goes
  10. Mods clan and alliance affiliation shouldn't have anything to do with their ability to do the job, if you have a problem with what you view as power abuse then it's support you need to speak to.
  11. Soupart
  12. Re: ShadyMarine is a genius!

    Spot on
  13. It shouldnt, but why wouldn't it?
  14. What is FC? What game was that?
  15. Future Combat R.I.P
  16. Devs have showed us time in and time out they just want to make money. Not in the future, but now. They want the money in their bank accounts now and not worry about what is to come of their game. Its sad really. But there are many simple fixes that would improve this game drastically but instead they just do cash grab events.

    The funny part is if they improve their game (not just adding events for people to buy nobs and xtals) that their profits would increase greatly and would be sustainable for the future.

    Support shady
  17. Support for shady
  18. How the hell are you going to say whether or not someone is stealing valor in a game! I have been in clans with shady he has never said whether he was a marine or bragged about serving in the USMC.... it's people like you that make my blood pressure shoot through the ceiling, How about you do this you grow a pair and get on with your life and quit being a whinny little noob!!!!!

    -Ox- 11Bravo

    Say I'm stealing valor I'll punch you in the back of the Face!!!!!!!!

    Much Respect