Aces n eight declare war on I.C the clan. 10-1-15 Why? The day the last event ended, I was gifted a pass to I.C. until the 13th of October. On the 1st, I was pmed by JackVale_v_Hansel. Him and I have an unpleasant history. He knows I am not fond of him in the slightest, and he used this to provoke a situation. He admitted to my head admin, who was owner of A8 in my absence, that he was plotting to get me kicked from the HTE Clan. We alerted Dal and Star of IC, and they both said it was of an issue and that I would not be kicked. The next day (the 2nd) I was kicked for iG threatening the clan to kick me. I looked into it, and Jack was a guest, by his admittance to me, in iG and had SS proof that iG was not threatening the clan. Just Jack was. I was told to leave because I was causing drama by someone hitting and starting a fight with me, after I told him to leave me alone several times, and unfollowed/ignored him. I still had 11-12 days left on my pass when I was asked to leave. Says denial a8 owner Waiting
Re: A8 vs I.c. vs Jack (Rejc06?) on I.c I talked to Jackvale_v_Hansel for his side He stated" I was bored So msged Denial just having fun she was disrespectful decided to teach her an lesson so I didn't just run bars I got Rejc06 together an got her kicked from I.c " So This war started BC jack got denial kicked . Jack also stated that if A8 was in I.c they would Get more hits. So there for its a8 v I.c. v Jack (Rejc06) Updates coming Also strips Lovelydenial gets stripped 300bil last night (Failed) A8 strips _Tom_ (leaves ic) I.c says that A8 is failing strips A8 says same about I.c Successful strips below _Tom_
Re: A8 vs I.c. vs Jack (Rejc06?) A8. Please be classy and respectful. Do not derail or troll the new forumers thread or castles will crumble. In addition, for those wondering, OP approached me and asked. I agreed because he is a new forumer and he needed a first thread that didn't suck ass. ️️
Re: A8 vs I.c. vs Jack (Rejc06?) It has to do with you it is pretty much gonna suck ass. No one cares that he came to you.
Re: A8 vs I.c. vs Jack (Rejc06?) People have a history of making accusations that we came to forums for attention or chest banging. And we didn't. I was making that known.
Re: A8 vs I.c. vs Jack (Rejc06?) Ive read this thing 3 times and i still dont have a clue what op is rambling on about
Re: A8 vs I.c. vs Jack (Rejc06?) Yes. For attention, I somehow made the OP follow me, and ask me about the OSW that I didn't provoke, for him to post it in forums. I must be really clever if I manipulated the whole thing for an OSW thread. Thank you for that compliment.
Re: A8 vs I.c. vs Jack (Rejc06?) A8 about to get destroyed. Especially with such an idiot as deni leading them
Re: A8 vs I.c. vs Jack (Rejc06?) Response is easy. Op you clearly suck at forums make this your first and last
Re: A8 vs I.c. vs Jack (Rejc06?) I asked you a while ago. But you never answered. Why exactly don't you like me? What did I do to you?
Re: A8 vs I.c. vs Jack (Rejc06?) Don't derail this pathetic thread please or op may ask you to leave
Re: A8 vs I.c. vs Jack (Rejc06?) This thread is partly about A8. You're publicly dissing A8 on this thread. I'm asking why.