Petition to Limit Strip Damage

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Imitation-Cheese, Oct 2, 2015.

  1. You do realise that in order to gain an amount that large, a large amount of money has to be spent by OSW clans too?
  2. Not as much, perhaps a lot of banks/individuals involved in funding it?
  3. No support.
    AboveAverageGamer likes this.
  4. I support Shadymarines post completely.
    -WENCH-og likes this.
  5. Jou know if u buy allies u will get stro ger but also get vurneble because u can be stripped here we see a strip that free'ed the ally market a bit but also we can see the top 10 is vurneble and can be stripped this wil bring back the fun in the game
  6. No support

    And you'll never have the support of the majority of community behind you. Vast majority are in osw clans and love doing pvp / strips. Petitioning for it is a waste of your time and should be ashamed for even mentioning it.
    AboveAverageGamer likes this.
  7. Dumbest post I've ever read on forums.
    Forums doesn't even have sound/music. How you hear leh?

    :lol: :ugeek:
    AboveAverageGamer likes this.
  8. No support

    A strip is a strip :\
    AboveAverageGamer likes this.

  9. Well said.

  10. If I am correct, NON PRO PACK accounts, are reset every 6 months if they have been inactive for those 6 months. Pro Pack accounts are never reset
  11. Limit strip damage? Since HTE strip damage has been limited. No longer do you have to grind your way back to MP, with hte you can have it back in an hour. Now you want to limit the damage more? If anything they should massively increase how much people need to achieve MP so they don't just earn it back in an hour.
  12. Devs recently changed this. No resets at all are allowed.
  13. Is this a joke ?? Hit ebs and get big - BUT OH NO DONT HIT ANYONE - moron - it's called KINGDOMS AT WAR - you want safe and fairylike there are plenty of other apps.
  14. No support
  15. This was an automated algorithm to keep the ally market fresh with new and active accounts. I believe it is still active and being used
  16. Make your mind up chaos, you said in another thread that ATA and yourself are not happy about this strip and are looking into it, now your saying you don't support a damage limitation? Do lb players and mods deserve special treatment?

    No support for damage limitation, there already is a way for these 'whales' to avoid strips, it's not hard for them to get 70m+ sdt.
  17. This has to be the most idiotic idea I've ever heard. The OP is a noob. You do realize that strips of LB is all or nothing? If we only stripped 50 T or so no one could hit Teja. Why? Cause he's still have trillions in bfa to protect himself. Other games also have strips. Grow a pair and deal with it.
  18. Support
  19. No support.

    Strips are needed and wanted by just about everyone in the game, massive strips to lb players may shock the community and create a kneejerk reaction like I think this thread is but it's a war game and just like war in real life you can lose everything that's what makes it exciting.

    Keep kaw as it is, we can't moan about strips when we generate the gold we do these days.