Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please) It's a shame they don't just have way more events like the one that just occurred. As a new player I felt working toward those bonuses was great. The bonuses were generous and useful. Now I feel like there's such a huge grind and that I'm hardly working toward a goal or anything.
Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please) Events get old. Make friends, enjoy the game. It's a social game. There will always be a grind for anyone who is not build complete but the reason we all stay is because of the friends we made. Keep working man. It gets way better after you get the first 10mcs
Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please) @ Zek Congrats and welcome to KAW. It's a great game. For context, know that by participating in the last event and being active for 12 days, you've gotten decent equip equivalent to months worth of work a couple years ago. The best armor new players could reasonably hope to get was from Destroyer or NQ, boots didn't happen until SR or TBO, you felt like a badass when you got your CotD shield and swords were earned from doing the item section in FoD. The mythical storm bow was greatly treasured after months of TGL attempts. Or you get a 4 for 1 equip deal in one event. Lol. Just a different player experience now. Don't worry, there'll be plenty more events.
Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please) You guys keep asking for a new game. Go play something else if you don't like this game. Also, a roadmap would imply some sort of plan. Do you think the people who were not smart enough to anticipate the pw exploit actually plan.....or even think?
Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please) So more of the same... Another 5 events releasing an entire set of marginally better equip. Sure glad I spent those rare inferno enchanting my recently earned items.... lol I'll take the silver bars though. Nice improvement. Oh, and it should be a tin foil helm if it blocks mind penetrating suggestions...
Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please) Road map Event Event Event Event Event Event Event Event Event Event Event Yw
Re: The BLACKSMITH Shoppe Micro bump - BLACKSMITH idea circa Sept 22/15 to add to more current discussions posted in active.
Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please) I thought road maps were a fantastic thing. They give us insight for what the future MAY hold. Would be a good idea for 2016, seeing as we didn't get one this year.
Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please) They won't do it again chaos because too many players criticized them for it when they failed to meet the goals they set. They just release whatever now and we have to feedback on it once it's released whereas they could give us an idea of what they have planned and get feedback on what we actually want. Also I foresee new lands or new tiers in February
Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please) Please don't, ATA. It will only fuel my cynicism for your trash company.
Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please) As far as I know, Stripping is less for taking away power than it is for the shock factor and removing the money they have banked in allies
Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please) Many promising ideas that do not sound unattainable over a period of time to me from op. While admittedly I have no knowledge of programming many of those features have emerged similarly in other games over the years. I imagine people could and will find flaws with any of those additions, however the prospect of possibly having even one or two of them would keep me interested personally.
Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please) I absolutely love the Op's idea of damaging builds,the kingdom becoming "razed" at 50%. That would add some excitement back to the game--a hint of danger, the joy of bloodlust and wanton destruction. Do it devs. Don't think about it. Just do it. It could rebirth the entire game. Like a zombie. Like Jesus. Arising from death to yet again usurp our RL!
Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please) People are stripped for many reasons, but if you're trying to set them back gold wise(real money used or not), enjoy that feeling you get after you successfully strip them quickly cause it wont last long. They'll probably will be recovered and blissfully be chuggin' away with twice as many allies before you have sold the ones you stripped. Stripping is about yelling "F U loser" in their face when they login next. Its a "screw you and your weak ass friends, chump" while you drive off with his girl statement. Letting them know they arent untouchable and you just proved it. Making them lose gold/money? Nah, there aint no withdraw button in the market place and you'd have a better chance of getting a you money back trying to return an empty pizza box to domino's than devs refunding your unwanted nobs. On topic: Next update, 1 - kaw adds in the official "5 hit rule". As in 5 hits total on one or more players a day. 2 - After five years of not being broken, kaw announces "the join clan request feature has been fix to work as originally intended. The message will now read "thank you for choosing Us as your clan of choice. Would you like to receive email notifications with the best deals and saving on the internet? Please like us on face book!". 3 - Elite eq, premium quality at an economical price. (as low as 75nobs with use of your loyalty rewards card) 4 - welcome kaw-counselor to the team. "Apherium got you feeling down and need someone to listen to you,hes your guy". 5 - Devs request restraining order on cynder for being a little to "pretty good". Then mod him, but he still has to keep 500 ft between himself and ruby from support. 6 - Elevator music while support is processing your email. 7 - normal people should have stopped reading this by now. 8 - screw normal people. 9 - ill still end up buying nobs for stupid stuff
Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please) Road maps are very rough starting points of ideas. Many companies use Road maps and a lot of stuff becomes outdated before it's time. Telling us something that might happen but later is too impractical to implement gets the community angry. I like the new adding little bits and pieces and the way the devs have let us help mould the new features.