Russia Bombs Syria

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Imitation-Cheese, Sep 30, 2015.

  1. Russia's main interest is keeping Syria from turning into another mess like Libya, Iraq, etc. The Russian Federation is practically right next door to the ME. They don't need a bunch of Islamic radicals running amok in their country. Putin wants Syria stabilized so a transfer of power doesn't turn into a power vacuum like in many of the USSA/Zato interventions caused. The FSA and every other CIA/Mossad "moderates" proxy armies are not freedom fighters and Putin knows this. One thing you can bet on is the Russian army won't be bogged down by the stupid "rules of engagement" the west have. I wouldn't be surprised if the CIA tries to start Muslim insurrections in Russia soon. I'm sure a false flag will be cooked up once the economy crashes so people will be against Russia instead of the crooked ass banksters. For far as I'm concerned I hope Russia bombs the crap outta Israel next. It's pretty amazing how ISIS doesn't attack Israel but only governments that the west doesn't like.
  2. Ha. America would bend Russia over and show it the 50 states.
  3. America couldn't even bend vietnam over, doubt they will do it to Russia.
  4. Best post so far in this thread
  5. Syrian governement isnt Isis . Saudi arab doesn't like Syrian government which is Shia and America is Saudis Allie that's why America wants Assad gone. Isis is in Syria so Russia is targeting them a win win situation for America !!!!
  6. You're paranoid dude.

    At least I hope. America shouldn't be stupid enough to start a fight they won't be walking away from.
  7. I haven't seen anything in the news saying that Russia is targeting Isis
  8. I hope you're right
  9. Such as you fabricated your reasons in 1812 for the invasion of Canada whilst Britain were busy fighting Napoleon? And you still couldn't do the job properly ;)
  10. Yup! They tell us to study history so it doesn't repeat itself. I guess that means that none of our politicians have ever taken history
  11. Russia has no where near as much power or influence as it had under its Tsarist Autocracy, never mind what they had under the USSR, Russia is a shell of its former self, but don't get me wrong they are still dangerous, however I don't believe Putin wants a world war, he is just trying to boost his own ego by attacking a weaker country, somthing Russia has done for years
  12. Sounds like a Kaw osw..
  13. Hahahaha what bigger clans attacking smaller clans because they can? That is very similar to Russia's foreign policy :/
  14. Putin is basically doing what Bernie Sanders has been calling for. He's trying to organize an international coalition to move forward and get rid of ISIS. While I don't like Putin, he's showing some leadership in this situation by using his influence to bring stability to the region and allow people to live peacefully.

    America can bomb all they want. You're not going to get rid of a government without ground troops (and not necessarily Western troops either)
  15. Last time the usa took a barbaric leader out of power (saddam hussein) and put a new government in iraq look how well that went. Now im not saying assad is a good guy just maybe every decision the us military makes maybe isnt the smartest choice. Glad to see russia stepping up and bombing terrorists whether obama likes it or not. Will there be a ww3 one day ....prob ..yeah but im not going to sit here every day fearing that day....thats what groups like isis want. Enjoy living in fear imitation cheese ....after all you arent even real cheese.
  16. Or maybe groups like the war-mongerers want you to be afraid of ISIS so that you don't focus on your own government and people...
  17. Comparing that war, to a war between the US and Russia, is like comparing apples to oranges.
  18. Russia is not trying to provoke an armed conflict with the west. It is using IS brutality and the refugee crisis to justify their coercion of the continuation of the Assad regime among other. Allthough Russia may not bomb the Syrian free army its involvement with IS will give Assad room to manoeuvre against them. Russia can maintain a longstanding partner in the middle east this way.
  19. Just build a wall around Syria and make the refugees pay for it. 
  20. Very Stalin of you