PvP Rewards

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Kalashnikov, Sep 29, 2015.

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  1. Quick question; if you aren't able to open your PvP reward chest the last day off the event, do they still count towards your total amount the last day, or not?

    Answer might be here on forums but im so lazy 
  2. Your rewards stop accumulating when the timer runs out.

    Sometimes it takes a while for them to sort the handouts, but you'll eventually get them. If you don't, email support@athinkingape.com and they can help you.
  3. So if you didn't open your PvP chest before the big event ends, you don't get your PvP rewards?
  4. That's a good question but I'm not sure why someone would wait
  5. Well at the first event i didn't had time to log-in the last day due work and real life stuff, so i was just wondering.
  6. Don't be stupid basically
  7. You should be able to get your rewards from pvp event now, no?
  8. Then shouldn't u know the answer to ur own question?
  9. Yes, but that's not the problem.
  10. I didn't Opt-In first event.

    A simple question, yet no simple answer 

    Lock it up admin, i'll E-mail support when it's about that time.

    Thanks all 
  11. Im assuming not since i didnt get mine till i clicked... Enail support@athinkingape.com including ur kaw name, you play kaw and obvs ur issue
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