Crying about PvP

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lIlRlIlAlIlVlIlElIlNlIl, Sep 28, 2015.

  1. Guys, this is person vs person and not a new kind of power war. It's a kind of tournament, so stop crying when you get hits ... that's why you optioned in, and that's the risk to get hits.
    Using OSF is kind of cheating and for coward noobs.
    Next time think twice before option in - also I got my incoming ... now I have to cry too?
    Devs have to change rules so no OSF can be used.
  2. That's kind of difficult, I don't think that's even possible, actually.
  3. I don't know about that last part but the complaining when hit thing is weird. People downloaded a war game and they don't want to get hit (/.-)
  4. I like people that declare osw on me on their walls when i hit them while theyre opted in.. Dont opt in if youre gonna cry about it
  5. Think most people cast and farm a clan Pure Spy then cry when they get hits or when their Pure Spy gets hit. It's pretty funny lol. When the event started most clans put away the cf for the fun of the event and most were bashing each other. Castes for 3 days and my only inc was a full bar stls . Guess people too busy smashing their personal farms instead.

    /Rant over * moonface*
  6. "Crying about pvp"

    -exactly what Teja is doing in this thread
  7. :lol:

    Good point Teja, but devs don't need to fix anything. If you hate people complaining, use them as your personal oaf until they have something to complain about :)
  8. The complaining is what makes it fun.
  9. Lol they did more than that...they dl a war game, and THEN the oped in for a PVP event!!
  10. Let them post osw on your wall, they'd just be doing what they would/should/could have been doing in the first place after opting in. Pvp.
  11. If you spend so much more money than others that when you hit them they have no chance to win hitting back. It's the same as hitting an osf.

    There is no challenge. No thrill of the hunt. No strategy. Your just collecting a reward like all those hitting an osf.

    Now if you attack those that can hit you back and you actually have to fight for it, kudos to you on being a true warrior. The ones truly fighting are those that get whacked by you and can't retaliate.

    In the butt, no lube lol

    I burnt a half dozen xtals trying to retaliate in the spirit of pvp. But I lost all but a few. Pointless.

    There is no perfect solution, LB will be LB. Thats the glory of spending the big $$.
  12. Listen to this dumb . You're lb and butthurt someone outspent u lol. I'm sure your account did onto others what tejas did u. Such a crying little b. Cries about lb spending yet is lb sat in a hte clan

    Smh self righteous idiot
  13. I like crying 
  14. Says the pure spy. Surprised not a statless alt.
  15. Lol funny you didn't disagree there I put up a stable just for the u the Guy who cries about lb hitting him and spending whilst being lb and sat in a hte clan. Your tears on tejas wall are embarrassing u little girl go spend more lol
  16. Lol the point wasn't about spending money. The point was what is "player versus player" when it is only one way? Just like a player hitting an osf. Obviously too advanced of a concept for your to understand. But then again. I know what my 8 year old says. "boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider". Guess they learned about you in 2nd grade......
  17. Yes too advanced of a concept that u cry on tejas wall cause u got hit during pvp event and cry it isn't fair because he spends more than u while you're lb and spending in a hte clan and I'm sure u hit non lb during this event.

    I'm sorry its too advanced for u understand you're a crying lb hypocrite who ends up on a thread doing exactly what got this thread made in the first place..crying
  18. To be fair jupiter is kinda right, youre crying about spending while being bc with less than 300k battle wins and a pass in hte clan :| Bit of a hypocrit
  19. I might have overlooked the definition of crying. I guess if it means having a difference of opinion or mature debate then I do cry a lot. Never in my post did I "cry" about spending money. The part I "cried" about was if your looking for true pvp. Then don't spend the money to be untouchable. Because it's not pvp then, it's a race to see who can spend the most money.

    I love chasing items. I like these promos. Makes the game a nice friendly competition while also including some slowly fading osw mechanics. I personally think if I was #1 in the game or even top 10 and almost no one could hit me, the game would lose appeal. No real
    Difference than just hitting an osf/EB like everyone else right
  20. You come to the wrong place if you are looking for signs of intelligence. Case and point "I am here" :lol: