I propose an idea that could be original? Why not give war inactives a shield to recognise there value? Feedback please....
Perhaps a three strike rule could be a further development and/or a cool down period. I'm no whizz kid but all I ever hear is people moaning about war inactives.
Well for instance at the end of a war an inactive account automatically gets credited with a fall guy shield. Possibly fall guy level one for example. By the time they have accumulated level three achievement, (inactive in three wars) they are automatically exempt from from being able to participate in match ups. Cool down time could perhaps be for the current war season? Or you could even do it on a case by case basis.... Inactive for one war.... Exempt for the next two.... Back to back inactives could earn a six month ban even? I'm not sure what would be best...but I believe a template could be created to achieve this. Of course like silences you would be able to petition the developers.
Or, hear me out, Every time they hit ebs for a week, they get a nice fork in electrical outlet shock.
All great ideas. Some developer input would be appreciated ~ thanks for running with this idea everyone I do believe it would be a simple thing to put in place....