Clan mass message

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by LoTW, Sep 24, 2015.

  1. How about an option to mass message a clan?

    This would help keep people up to date within clan during epic battles and wars.

    Owners and admins or certain admins if owner were to be able to choose which admins could message the clan.
  2. It's called clan chat
  3. Ca cc whatever
  4. ca cc or clan page
  5. Most people never check ca or cc, so a mass wall post with notification would be nice when running fod or nq br
  6. ^You guys act as if this idea is NOT something every clan would use :lol: . I'm sure if this was implanted plenty of clans would use it.
  7. It's being realistic, you think devs will implement this?
  8. So anyone doesn't read cc ca why would they read a message
  9. No

  10. Farm them until they understand they need to read on a game where reading is required to do everything.
  11. Has this not been suggested more times than the shark eb?

    No. It would be used, but CA, and Clan Desc. already do the job just fine. No. Don't focus on minor useless crap like this.
  12. Focus on the cool things,like a pet slot on the equip page where I can put my shark and/or furby.
  13. i want a dragon and his name will be Sotuom
  14. Re phrase as clan mass wall.
    It's a needed idea. Sometimes just walling a reminder to hit an eb or say hello, to please do this that and the other is a great way to wake people up to bring them back to hit.
    It's more for the I don't want to have to wall 100 people.
    I don't need to wall the actives exactly. But it would be so easy to poke people to hit and say hi.
    Especially useful in small clans or during item stages etc.
  15. If you have nothing helpful to add to here, stay off the post and go troll elsewhere.

    games seriously needs a mass wall post option for clan owner.
  16. :lol:
  17. Yes! Or the zombie from Chaos' PvP idea! :lol:

  18. No
  19. To givem a change for Steeerike 3? 
  20. This idea has been posted before but dont get me wrong I completely agree that this would be useful.

    Like even just a 40 player eb clan could use a "message whole clan" button and that's saying something I mean especially for players that dont often check cc or ca before doing anything. Sure it might be ideal that everyone does but lets be realistic here, not every player will check cc and ca every single time before they do anything.

    Dont get me wrong, some might just feel the need to for whatever reason, I personally like to but if i see a hte with only few hours left I prefer to just unload before it's done and check cc after :lol:

    a mass messaging system or mass wall system which can be permantly on your wall or in your pms would be much more noticable. Expanding on that there is no guarantee that every player within your clan will be online when the ca is updated and maybe it cant stay that way for 24 hours for updates or whatever :D

    so yes, I support this idea, I think it would benefit greatly and make it easier for clans to function :D