What's next KAW

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Radagast, Sep 22, 2015.

  1. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

  2. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    Can anyone link the previous roadmap thread?
  3. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    Nice effort radagast.Unfortunately i dont think devs will pay heed to any of it.What we can be sure off; is a near future event will render the farmer's eqs pointless.
  4. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    Just add the black market already
  5. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    The prequel
  6. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    Radagast as in NeverWinter?
  7. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    I like to see a new series of eb thats are for the mids to biggies that take 1 to 4 days to complete with some awesome regens and stuf in it it needs to pay a bit betther so it worth to do it also it drops a item that can be stolen but u can use it in the same eb in one phase on a item bar 4 extra money if u can keep it.
  8. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    What's next hmmmm....
    Maybe half of all active players join one mega alliance along with 3/4 of the active in game moderators (not biased tho) and as a side effect of this basically ruin the game would be a nice addition
    Also it would be nice if the developers could shove Promo after promo after promo down our throats in an attempt to milk every last penny outta the paying players that would also be nice to see in the future....
  9. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    Good ideas
  10. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    A new set of lands with the max tier being T3
  11. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    I could support something like this. Good for noob growth. Like a new lowlands, slightly increased price. Would be good. Feedback this, I'll go do it too. If enough people bother them, we'll get results
  12. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    No, as in AlwaysSummer

  13. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    Wait wait I recently redownloaded kaw and there as always been a bug where certain people can't reset for some reason, can no one reset now??? That's unbelievably stupid.
  14. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    Resets as of now are disabled for everyone.
  15. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    I'm thinking of making a thread with the most popular ideas. May need help though. Interested?
  16. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    Only 2 concerns
    Part 1
    Clan banks stripping fine if it shows which clan stripped the player in initial news feed.
    Players must have a chance to defend and revenge themselves.

    Damaging builds is far to easily abused.
    Imagine a big sitting on a small in an osw.
    All it would do is force people to quit as they have no power to stockpile gold for growth whilst having to maintain their build.
    And there won't be any desire to spend real money on a build that gets destroyed ( unless its a temporary 1 hour destructive spell that restores kingdoms to full strength after the spell fades, giving clans a chance to protect members) though even that is easily abused.
  17. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    One thing I have always thought is intuitive but probably hard to do programmatically is that hurting someone's allies should weaken their bfa. Think about it...if your allies are weak, why should they be propping you up?

    Also always thought their should be a better way to rank clans. Clan value? allies pots etc. would basically be a scoreboard for OSW.
  18. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    I love most if not all of the ideas presented here and support them fully. If I had to have one thing change for eb's though it would be that they take more clan coordination than just "attack with this at this time". It feels good working as a group and talking to your clan, and I think things like this would help fortify that good feeling. Maybe that's just me but yeah there's my two cents.
  19. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    @ Optimal Chaos:

    (1) To me clan banks being used for stripping would be the same as how it is now. Currently someone buys your ally, then a flood of steals comes in. This would be the same if a clan bank 'bought' your ally, but the ally would be dropped and owned by nobody, removing gold from the system. You generally can tell who is stripping you by failed steals in your battle log not the initial notice, and this wouldn't change. Although I imagine the initial notice would say " ______ clan bank bribed away your ally" or something.

    That said, clan banks could and would likely be abused / exploited by LB volleying up statless players to trillions, then using the clan bank to buy them off the leader, then starting the process over again without some alt having to take the 40% of value 'hit' when dropping the ally. Hhmmmmm, this idea may need to be amended, although the general premise of players being able to pool funds to strip someone would make major strips much more doable and frequent.

    (2) Bigs sit on smaller accounts today anyways, and continue the pummeling until they decide not to. My suggestion would offer a reprieve once the damage reach a set amount (50% of build strength). Total maximum build strength, stats and earnings capacity would not change, and be 'locked in' with each upgrade. Repair costs could be some token amount of the original cost (10% for a full repair back to 100%?) Smaller accounts would take a beating, but larger accounts would spend more comparatively to repair their kingdoms since they have more expensive buildings. If anything, this would provide a means for smaller accounts to actually 'hurt' larger accounts by using full pots., etc. and cause meaningful, but not detrimental, damage to another player.

    I am also willing to bet people would spend money / gold quickly repairing their kingdoms and preserving what they have once their pride gets involved. :D But, I guess to be 'fair' perhaps there should be an automatic regen feature - maybe kingdoms repair themselves 1% a day or something. Or maybe players have to opt in to be involved in this system - "Hardcore KAW". :lol:
  20. Re: What's next KAW (Updated road map please)

    While I generally like the ideas proposed here, I am not sure that they go far enough in revitalizing the game. I think that the current imbalance between bigs/mids/smalls could be partially balanced and some better strategic thinking could go into the way we play the game if we adopted a paper-rock-scissors approach to game mechanics.

    I'll try to explain.

    Right now the game is based on a dual mechanic: spies vs. troops. This is a classic model and I think it is a tad spent in KaW.

    I think the devs could improve the game quite a bit by introducing a slightly more sophisticated overlay to this basic mechanic. I think it would be interesting if there was a 30 days free spell that would allow you to select a 'cult' your mage devoted himself too. As a background story let's say that the cult of the Ancient Gods has returned to KaW. In the eternal cycle of balance and chaos cultists worship one of three Primal Beings, which are the manifestation of the Ancient Gods in KaW:

    Ch'tuluh, the Primal Being of the Watery Abyss
    The Great Dragon, the Primal Being of Fire
    The Stone Golem, the Primal Being of the Earth

    The ancient gods are in constant struggle among each other, forever raised and humbled in the eternal cycle of power. None of the three being able to defeat both of the others.

    Worship of these gods grants your kingdoms the ability to infuse your troops with the gift of one of the primal beings. These gifts allow your troops and spies greater success: like fire scorches the earth bare, Dragon's breath can humble the Golem, but the Dragon cannot stand up to the power of tentacles of Ch'tuluh, which drag him to the depths of the ocean where his hellfire is extinguished. Completing this unbroken cycle Ch'tuluh's power is for naught when matched against the rock of the Golem.

    So - how would this work? I think that the cult's choice would result in a modifier for actions against kingdoms. Suppose I choose to worship Ch'tuluh, here's what would happen

    Ch'tuluh vs Ch'tuluh = no change
    Ch'tuluh vs Golem = negative modifier
    Ch'tuluh vs Dragon = positive modifier

    If the modifier is 15% of 300% I'm not sure - it would have to be tested but I think it would be interesting to see. One could use small(ish) kingdoms with the right cult to annoy even large ones; clan strategy would become more subtle and clan loyalties could become stronger. It could add an interesting layer to EE wars and so forth.

    Devs could cash in by offering a 59nobs seal that would allow kingdoms to change their cult more than once every 30 days.

    Anyways, just an idea.