I have seen a lot of ideas being knock with "devs don't listen" or "devs don't care". So I thought why not mention a few changes that I saw in the forums first here, (not all ideas that have been implemented I have agreed with,my personal disclaimer). So in no particular order 1. blood rains started out life as a time trail event with only the fastest clans getting the bonus. now most clans can get a decent bonus regularly from the blood rain style. 2.I saw loads of complaints about the fang event as it became clear one eb paid out better than others leading to most clans doing b2b nml, the multi item events are the result of the complaints about this. 3. I've seen loads of comments about how it would be nice to have equipment sets current string of events have been based around this. 4. Too many events so the current event is dropping four bits of equipment instead of two. 5. Make it easier for new players they now have all low lands opened for free. 6. Pvp events happened 7. Spy banners I know this isn't a massive list but it does show there is hope to all ideas that get posted. If I have missed your idea that has been implemented feel free to add it below. Sorry for any lack of fanciness and my surprisingly up beat mood towards the devs Waits for kaw to say they thought of it first before they were suggested
Devs lurk forums more than you'd expect. Forums are Important, as they give development a snapshot of community feelings/desires/gripes.
Numbers 2 n 4 seem to be slightly off there,the success in gaining the top prizes still boil down to one eb HTE,and as far as the number of events if this style keeps up 6 months of the yr will be events. Two weeks playing Kingdoms of War n 2 weeks of playing Kingdom of Four EB's,resulting in 6 months of the same repetitious events.
Felt like it was time they got some recognition. Thanks for making the effort to post this Sure they don't listen or can't do everything we ask but they do a decent job at it.
And to number 4 you fail to mention acknowledgement to the fact that devs are dropping 4 eq instead of only 2, and they are actually great stat at that. All the rest of these recent past events are worse than what I have from long ago
The current EE format was originally proposed by the_philosopher back in 2011. Everyone in the forums told him he was an idiot.
I remember the time trials, but didnt know that br was a spin off of it. Well, learn something new every day.
Also realize "great stat"=op(overpowered). Peep how easy these events are and how powerful eq is. Now look at the grind of ee and the output of s5. A helmet, s4 eq available for purchase, and enough mith to buy it if you did well. This would be great, but s4 eq is immediately outdated by event eq. Kinda disheartening
Most of those you mentioned weren't directly ideas from forums or players. Plus the 4 equip is just to finish the series of events up not because there are too many or whatever.
ASW #4 was originally postponed for like a year until myself and 800 or so players supporting it, ranted here on forums. A few months later, ASW 2014 was officially announced. So yep, devs do use our suggestions and feedback a lot of the time. More then players think. It's just a very challenging endeavor and requires a lot of volunteer time.
I think it would be cool if the devs have a shoutout to the people who created the ideas so we know who to blame for causing stuff. Edit: Wait, whoops, I just realised I designed PvP events so... Don't blame me?
Not a lot of the time;occasionally. When it sits their purposes i would venture. Like when a bunch of players say 'we haven't had our annual event that's been going the last few years' 'oh yeah, all star war is on' Would venture to say 99% of any new ideas no matter good or bad are automatically filed in the no return bin
Everyone please shutup and stop complaining. Do what you like in the game you dont have to participate in these events. And some people dont do b2b hte for their equip, some people devote time and effort into these events.
Yes, I am pretty sure that they read most suggestion threads or discussions about existing community concerns. Quite a few features have been mentioned by players before they saw the light in game, the forum certainly is a great source of inspiration for devs. Or a source of confirmation that a certain need for a feature exists. I remember threads by Mango and Moose, iirc, discussing ways to ease the first experience of new players, for example. I might even have suggested ideas like the newbie spell and the wc update. The tutorial as well as the app store graphics have been revamped. I remember an awesome thread by Killzone summarizing new feature demands by the community as well as their implementation status. And I would be surprised if devs wouldn't get any feedback on suggestions by some mods, at least in the past. Other community suggestions should be the source of splitting the T6 and T7 building levels, the plunder revision of lower and mid tier ebs, individual EE wars, PvP events, and so on. Feedback has been used to fine tune some features of the game. Quite a few interesting features have not (yet) been implemented, but let's be realistic. For an idea to be implemented, it has to be possible to be coded (more or less easily) and to make sense and preserve the balance of the game.