Thread ideas

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by _______D_A_R_K_N_E_S_S_______, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. So the idea is pretty simple!

    In this thread you can just post ideas about threads you would like to see/have thought of but cant be bothered to make them :eek: :)
    Hopefully, someone else can be bothered to make them for you!
    (look my first post with bb code so if this messes up, not my fault ok!)
  2. and no first for anybody! :lol:
  3. A thread about a thread that you post ideas for a thread on.
  4. aww not many replies, so i guess i will post about one thread which i have wanted for a long time:
    A list of all equipments, with their starting and max enchanted cs, and what ebs drop them :idea:
  5. Already exists bumped to AT for you
  6. What a tongue twister there.
  7. Why noobs like to post on forums -kingnoob
  8. :eek: i dont remember saying that
  9. The exact health numbers of every eb. Would take forever and a lot of work
  10. Calculating how many soldiers and spies have ever been lost in KaW
  11. Bad advice, someone did it for themselves, I think it was Wulf a few years back, it might've been moose, so multiply that by 1 million...