Dear KAW: A Dilemma

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -WillyTheDeuce-, Sep 13, 2015.

  1. #Savage
  2. Nanoc pisses me off, then impresses me.

    I seem to have a love/hate relationship with most forumers, anyways :lol:

    Nanoc wins.
  3. No support
  4. Name her "Amora". Because she was begot in love and will always be loved. 
  5. Did I even do anything to you?
  6. Apparently it wasn't very good and now it burns when he pees.
  7. I'll be home soon Deni. I know you miss my uncanny wit and devilish charm :p
  8. Pretty sure that was your sister.
  9. Hey hey hey..

    This thread should be archived/saved in best of only so.. That when Willy's daughter grew up to a teenager, he can bring up this exact page and show her how he got it..

    Imagine this discussion at a dinner table 19 years from now..

    Willy: Princess.. We need to sit down face to face and talk about how I got your name

    Arkosa: Dad.. You can just leave me a BrainMeld message.. I'll do the "meld" when I get around.. Oh.. Btw.. Stop carrying that antiquated rock chip that you call a "smartphone" around.. Ur embarrassing me!

    Willy: But.. But Princess.. This is how you got your name!.. It was on this device that I saw this beautiful name on a tap tap game..

    Arkosa: You actually touched that thing!? Ewww..

    Willy: Here.. Here.. Check this out.. This is the "thread" where I mentioned my idea and got the support from my online friends..

    Arkosa: What is this "burns when I pee" comment?...

    Willy: ummm.. Ummm..

    Arkosa: What are STD's?

    Willy: ummm.. Ummm.. You know, we use to have osw's in this game..

    Arkosa: Hey! I just MindGoogled J-WOW! I want to be just like her! I'll start a retro mid teens (that's 2010's) trend!!

    Willy: Honey.. Can you show me how to use the three seashells again?..

  10. I'm FRESH!


    *Note to future Arkosa.. Learn to read.. That way you won't hold signs upside down when you appear on SocialBrainMeldMedia..
  11. Name her Benjamin Spoonbongos
  12.  The three seashells.
  13. It's nice to see a positive post. Good on you, congratulations.
  14. Name her cella
  15. That show gave my home state a bad name.