4 Trillion in a single HTE

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Filthy_Maggot, Sep 15, 2015.

  1. @grizzy

    Age and size are two very different things in kaw. If you were his SIZE you would make the same. by your logic a new statless should make what redstar makes? What you make? No.
  2. No no that's not what I'm saying the best parts of kaw well at least for me anyway was when it was just ll hl there wasn't much gap even HF fine new players needed something to do abyss is silly and many left just because of that to boost plunder that much is ridiculous and I know I'm not on my own saying it. K so if I'm a foot taller than you guys I get 33% more of a Mars bar.
  3. If the mars bar was kaw gold yes lol
  4. Haha yes I did and he doesn't mention anything about it in the thread so I was just suggesting that a double plunder boost would have had a big effect. Don't get sassy with me. Lol
  5. Why do you care how much he got its not a big,deal you can,do it to
  6. Yeah kaw inflation is a bit annoying but the good news is income constantly increasing so its really all the same, I guess
  7. I dont know about y'all, but it looks like cella was skimming those item phases... 0.o
  8. Hey this reminds me of people wanting everybody mass reset or poed they can't reset on newbies both of which are bad for game. Why would you want to kill game?
  9. I don't believe you can get 1200 actions during an xstal blitz.

    I believe it was xstals, spells, and 5 hour skim.
  10. Well done Chaos!

    Max Crystals (6 per EB, that's 7 Full Unloads)
    Took both Item Phases
    Silver and Gold Crux Chests
    Profilic Plunder Bonus = 25%
    BR Bonus = 15%
    Raven Bonus = 3%

    Using a Stable.

    Well 4T is a very good possibility!!!