Dilemna vs. Dilemma

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by dragongirl96, Sep 14, 2015.

  1. I noticed in a recent post by Willy that he spelled it "dilemma". I know that I remember being taught to spell it "dilemna". Just a short thread designed to see where everyone else stands in this debate. There is a handy website at www.dilemna.info that does help with discussion.
    Thank you.
  2. My, what a dilemma.
  3. No, just no
  4. Yes.
  5. It's probably because of the fact that there are so many words that have a silent 'n' after the 'm' that your brain assumed it would also be an 'n'. (Aka hypercorrection)

    Eg. Damn, hymn, autumn, condemn
  6. Spamn. Filmn.

    Rhetorical has a silent K before it.
  7. It isn't a debate or a vs match. 'Dilemna' isn't a word, while 'Dilemma' is.
  8. If matters such as there I like to refer to the all mighty autocorrect. Autocorrect knows all. In which case, it's dilemma
  9. i thought it was dilemwhofreakingcaresa
  10. You must've had a terrible teacher then.
  11. Is that a new species
  12. Kek
  13. Misspelled work dork