Sell equip for aqua or inferno

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by ContraChloe, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. I have so many useless mith equipment it is really sad

  2. This would be abused so incredibly much. "Look at my statless alt with all the best eq the game ever had!"
  3. If Devs cared about abuse they'd perma ban people from warring that do leaderboard stacking. Just saying 
  4. What would help is trading off aqua and inferno for each other.they give you the option to buy one of the 2 but its I believe 7 bil for one.seems that's a bit Exp,don't ya think?also from my experience, we usually have only one or more than the other and the drops are random.Ty .would like yo hear some feedback.
  5. Support.
  6. Support. In fact, another idea is to allow combining eqs to create new special eqs with random success rates. Failure revert to refund of partial aqua or inferno. For example, you can combine a ring and an offhand to craft some special weapon if it is successful, otherwise if crafting fails, it drops you some aqua and inferno and you lose both eqs forever.
  7. Or how about selling aqua for 5b gold for 2aqua and inferno is 7b for 1(inferno is harder to find)