Can anyone confirm musang was throwing wars by casting multiple accounts and stripping them .......if so me and a few friends will be more than happy to help in this this type of throwing wars is the lowest scummiest piece of crap u can do
So why was your members then following me and asked why I'm hitting them. One of this example is Vulcanizer and Lavender. Volcanizer in panic hired my alt which is stealing him and Kiki69 cried on wall we hitting innocent ppl. The same with lavender have to follow one of IDD member to clarify what's going on. You mean that they know you are in OSW and just lie to me when they are getting hit?
Oh .... Hmmmm .... That's a valid point. Anyone who joined and started tapping without ever coming to cc or checking ca would indeed have been ignorant of our status. I stand corrected.
I doubt that's your friends fault for not checking CC or CA. You as a clan owner and admin responsibility the safety of your friends and visitor. You either wall them first before letting inside your clan or refused entry. It's not funny for a visitor to lost 10 billion or higher to get BR plunder. You must be the self absorbed person not to see this. You make a mistake own it not try to deflect to the victim.
@Musang, you should declare OSW to all of SS clan. It's the normal to have the eb lbs clans get destroyed if they get caught up in OSW. So far, there has not seen a single eb lb clan really get through a OSW yet and want to see if times have changed or not. :lol: :lol: :lol:
We have no problem with other SS clan. They didn't do anything wrong to us. Our war only to Secret Service when they declare OSW against us by stripping me. This will be a lesson to anyone admins on clan. When as an admin of a clan you strip another clan this constitute as act of war. This act will open clan vs clan war. Think before you act. You as an admin have responsibility to your clan and clan mate.
I love how everyone needs to point fingers and deflect to this subject or that subject. There were wrongs on each side, though all of that was triggered by Musang pulling his usual in Indy wars. It is Indy war, and everyone casted should expect someone to cheat eventually. Regardless of who it is or what they do. That is why Indy sucks. It's too easy to cheat. So in reality the situation escalated of people expecting too much of people, and misplacing their thoughts that people will war honorably. It is a war game and most ppl don't care about honor, only winning. You can see this many ways, but this is the root of the issue. Call your CF and move on SS because this will eventually get you nowhere unfortunately.
I love hawk. Amazing guy, and had the pleasure of getting to know hem. As for osw builds, all builds can war, some harser to osw woth but y'all got to do your part as family. Wish yall the best of luck, love you hawky!
The fact is anyone ruining wars for others by cheating are low disgusting scumbags .....I wish ss all the best n if they need my help to hit anyone supporting musangs pathetic actions in indis only need to ask so I can slap him around a bit
JSmith, Musang's cf terms are unacceptable. We'd gladly stop if he could get over the fact that his EE cheating had consequences.
Not saying I'm a big fan of IDD but you have to respect their work against Kings Lounge. Let's see if SS can hold their own .
Of course they won't hold Out, you can't beat IDD (or NA, of course NA is better known for this) they don't care if they failbomb you,they keep fighting, even until kaw ends if it proves their point
So your statement is fact? That you knowingly and fully supported Hawk stripped to me before it happen?