There are a lot of half-truths and even some outright lies going around about how Secret Service ended up in an OSW with Immortal Death Dealers. This is the whole truth. I have never posted to forums before, and hope to never again, but these facts need to be shared. Musang, the owner of IDD, puts his alts in as well when he EE's, and when they end up in an opposing clan he strips them in order to win on his main. Meck, a wc, caught him doing it and confronted him. Musang responded with vulgarity and insults, and blows were exchanged. Musang then started farming Meck, utilizing all of his alts as well. Meck, who was outnumbered 5 to 1, called on his brother Goose, who also happens to be a SS admin, for help. Goose moved out of SS in order to keep the clan out of it and started fighting Musang and Co. With Meck. The two of them were still outnumbered 5 or more to 2, as Musang started having IDD back him up in the personal conflict. When Hawk, who is a fiercely loyal friend, and another SS admin, heard about Goose's plight, he also left SS and confronted Musang. At this point Musang told Hawk to do something obscene to his dead mother, and that was all she wrote. Hawk decided to strip Musang in response, and did so on his own, without Meck or Goose's assistance, and while still outside of SS. In retaliation for this humiliation Musang turned his entire clan on Hawk, Goose and Meck. Hawk and Goose offered to stay outside SS indefinitely, but were told they were needed back in the clan, and they returned. Musang, who was getting nowhere against the trio, decided at this point to try to get someone else to facilitate his vengeance. In short, he contacted Kiki, the owner of SS, and demanded she kick Hawk, post a forum apology stating that she is a bad clan owner because she doesnt control her members, and volley Musang's allies to compensate him for what he lost when his mouth got him stripped. Of course Kiki refused, and Musang then started targeting the only people he had any power to effect ... the mid-level, untowered eb builds in SS. To sum up: Musang was caught cheating in war by Meck, was called on it, reacted with incendiary language, was hit in response, and started farming Meck. Meck got assistance from Goose and then Hawk, and even though they were outnumbered, when Musang used truly insulting language with Hawk, Hawk stripped him. Since Musang was powerless against Hawk, when Hawk returned to SS Musang went after the vulnerable builds in the clan, and then made outrageous osw demands, all the while claiming to be an injured victim in the entire scenario. Were mistakes made on all sides? Yes. Were tempers unchecked? Looks like it. Did Musang start the whole thing and then continue to escalate it by goading the people trying to stop Meck from being farmed for confronting Musang? Absolutely. To the people who blamed Kiki for SS losing the #1 position because she didnt throw Hawk under the bus ... well enough ugliness has been said already in this whole dramatic mess. So I'll spare you my opinion of you. The people who were forced to leave SS because their builds were not suited to osw, and who did so apologizing for abandoning us, you did nothing of the sort. You had no choice, and no one at SS blames you or holds a grudge. Musang is threatening those of us who are now the core of SS with years of osw, Harb-level types of strips, and mysterious unnamed clan alliances filled with osw banks ready to punish the people who so mistreated him. Riiiiiight. Maybe he has friends who can do such things and who can be convinced of his cause. Maybe he doesn't. It doesn't matter to us. It really doesn't. We play this game because of the people who have become our close friends in it. We play for the social interaction, and this osw has introduced us to a whole new circle of kaw people to get to know, as well as has reacquainted some of us with long-lost contacts from our younger kaw days. We are learning new skills, a new dimension to the game, are making new friends, and still have each other. We're good whether the osw ends tomorrow or lasts until the end of days. We will accede to none of Musang's demands, not now; not ever. We will never, ever cut Hawk loose, regardless of the consequences (this despite that Hawk has repeatedly offered to sacrifice himself in order to save the clan from having to continue in osw). We wont do it. Not. Ever. Never. If Musang stops fighting us, we will stop fighting him. If he does not, then this can continue. We are happy kawing together in SS either way. The ball is in his court. It always has been.
Interesting stuff, I will admit I was curious on what caused SS to lose their #1 spot, I just thought that Hawk's fight with Musang was an isolated incident and wasn't escalated to a full blown OSW. Anyways, good luck to both sides, and remember to have fun, after all, it's just a game.
People left SS because their builds are not suited to OSW? And you let them get away with that? Lol that's too funny. Problem: build not suited to OSW. Solution: change it. Let's call a spade a spade l, shall we? No one is "forced" to leave a OSW because of their build. They didn't want to war. Period. Perhaps if I had tonnes of allies and a crappy build I wouldn't war either.
Well said Annie. We want peace but will not be bullied. We will stand together w our friends hawk goose & Kiki. We will run the race to the end.
Mhawk....I know him better than most. Guy is loyal, and protective........This war needs to end so SS can go back to LB HTE muppet status.
Welcome to the forums, Annie! Bullied...such a curious and misunderstood word. A well-known OSW clan owner was stripped for playing a war game his way and providing free smack talk into the bargain? Smh. What is the world coming to. Fortunately u still think it advisable to recruit EB assistance in WC and not inform guests of your situation. Fortunately YAFAIL and the lost Kings legion of former LB clans are happy to help you in your hour of need. *grin* Fail 1
It is definitely well written I'll give it that. But there's always more sides to every story. Don't suppose anyone, preferably Musang would post his? You know, for entertainment purposes.
Not having a war build is a crap reason to not help your clan when they're involved in an OSW. Seen more then enough untowered EB accounts in OSWs, because they're loyal to and care about their clan.
Nice try Tanarii, next time if you lie at least make it half truth so you can cover the stinks. The war was started with MECK over butthurt over EE. He threaten to farm me for that and he did. By now everyone knows we been in OSW against Kings and YAFI for almost two years. Any added incs will not bother I just hit back that's easy to do. After one day pinning MECK I think he figure out he bit more than he can chew he asked for assistance on his brother Goose. At that o noticed -GoOse_is_LoOse- hitting me and he was admin of Secret Service. I thought he was MECK main account so I ignore that account. Then MECK keep walling one of IDD account because I blocked him on my accounts. I was tired of him spamming my wall. He bypassed one of IDD account he was hitting that he thought my alt. He was reported on the bypassed and got silenced. Then few hours later _M_HAWK_ followed me and asked why I silenced Meck. I'm not a moderator how should I know. I adviced Hawk that if he have any concern about MECK silenced he should contact support. I told him its not my business if MECK get silenced. He bypassed that's his problem to get silenced. To those knows Hawk knows how arrogant and self centered he is. He then threaten me that I'm his business now. My response on the threat as always not gonna lie. I told him some swear words and he continue threatening me and was already annoyed on goose hits so told him also about his mother for not minding his own business. He then start hitting me. This time I saw Hawk and Goose are both admin on Secret Service. First thing I did is contact owner about her two admins hitting me. I asked her to advice them to stop or I will start hitting back. Her response let me look into it first. I said okay no problem. Kiki69 is owner Secret Service. Few minute later she response to me about the issue and told me I need to apologize to HAWK for swearing about him and his mother. I said no way I will apologized for him for threatening me first about some issue that is not his problem in the first place. I told her her admins action reflect to her clan. So I left it to that. Then few hours later I was stripped by _M_HAWK_. As an admin of Secret Service, what he did is an act of war. So war started and we start hitting Secret Sevice. This time I think Kiki69 realized that we are not joking so kicked or asked to leave Secret Service Hawk and Goose. Then Kiki69 talk to me again to stop the issue because both left. I told her we are not going to stop that easy just because the guilty left. She must apologize for her action for not controlling the situation in the first place. She the owner and should have fixed the problem before it escalated. So she being back to Secret service Hawk and Goose. After a day or two they asked to negotiate again. This time they already stripped Greg in our clan so the CF terms change instead of apologizing only. Negotiation was doing okay with -Tamika- she's one of SS council and more reasonable person. The negotiation keep falling a part because Kiki69 keep changing her mind in last minute. Another day went by. This time Hawk feel the pressure and decided owning his mistake and will apologized for his action. He followed my alt TaTaNg and we talk and went will and I truly thought the war is over and we can moved on. We went to third party app to finalized the terms. After few hours of fun talk and was doing great and again I thought war is over. When hawk decided to finalized the terms of CF again Kiki69 stop Hawk decision and told not to do it. Hawk switch attitude after that and threatening my other clan make to meet somewhere because he is trained UFC fighter. This is how hawk act always one minute cab flip in an instance to different person. At this point -Tamika- the Secret Service council so embarrassed left the third party app group in embarrassment. I know Kiki69 trying to be innocent on this issue but she mostly the one keep stopping the cf or not fixed it on the first place. This probably on her arrogant or just saw our small accounts and small clan that no threat to her when I first contacted her. Then she tried intimidation tactic on me too to bring her whole alliances. I told her after warring Kings and YAFI for almost two years nothing really scare us anymore. So I leave you to that. I have all SS on convo with Kiki69 and _M_Hawk_ . I know I will need them because most like to lie.