offensive content

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by TERRA, Sep 12, 2015.

  1. :shock: which thread?
  2. That sounds toterrible.
  3. Re: Lame

    Always happy to entertain 
  4. 6 year anniversary. 

    KaW Admin super validated it.
  5. Its OK.

    Its super validated.
  6. Let's go teach people how to use apostrophes correctly.
  7. I seriously hope you are joking..... Don't like it, don't play the game, no one is forcing you, but you want to force your views on others ?
    Don't go away mad, just go away you moron !
  8. Support it should be weed devs!
  9. Lmao a free range veggie?
  10. #MothersAgainstMarijuana
  11. #support #terra #inappropriatecontent

  12. I support!!!! #fathersagainstmarijuana
  13. :lol:

    I literally just pictured a bunch of us grammar nazis going out walking the streets to talk to people about punctuation. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  14. *takes boar away from the devs*

    *gives it food, and water*

    *names it*

    *introduces it to a sow*

    *delivers its kids*

    *has a company bbq*

    *makes bacon in the morning*

    *cleans up the empty pen*

  15. This thread is aids xxx

    Oh btw no support
  16. Support!

    Change the boar banquet into something else, please!
  17. A saled
  18. If Sean supports it must be changed!!
  19. I thought she was going to offer fish  instead 