offensive content

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by TERRA, Sep 12, 2015.

  1. Okay I'm just going to keep this short and sweet

    As a:

    -devout Christian
    -soccer mom
    -did I say feminist?
    -women's rights activist

    And most importantly...... A VEGAN

    I am extremely offended by the new item added in the game called the "Boar Banquet". As a avid member of PETA, I am disgusted that the developers would encourage young children to engorge on the corpse of a wild boar.

    This is sickening to me and all other non-killers in this game. Shame on you ATA for not providing an alternative to this beastial item. I should also be able to disable seeing this blood-drenched monstrosity.

    I demand that a vegan, gluten free, antibiotic free, steroid free, free range, non GMO, organic, fat free, nutrient dense item be added to the game that can be shared with my other opinionated clan mates with higher moral standards then the rest of you scum.

    Please introduce a kale item that meets all standards above.



    1. TERRA
    2. Caitlyn Jenner
    3. saltyfeet
    4. Noodehl
    5. ShtStain
    6. RaidenKL
    8. SlimeInDisguise
    9. Cow
    10. AoW-SexuallyConfusedWalrus-SE

    Kale is a superfood.
  4. Support...stop the killing and obesity. Are you trying to give us trichinosis?
  5. Full support to Terra
  6. Support. ATA is out of hand with all this meat.
  7. Support, we can't have beef running around here like it owns the place. This game is 9 , our youth CANNOT be exposed to this
  8. #MothersAgainstTrichinosis
  9. That is one mean looking slab of ham. Can i get a slice?
  10. Lame

    This game is medieval fantasy... people hunted boars.... people typically speared boars... and people consumed boar not tofu pieces shaped like boars but actually boar meat... if you have problem with digitally consuming a boar feast then you should also have an issue with digitally sending in your troops to shank digital creatures or your spies to assassinate them, I would suggest trying candy crush...
  11. That will be $7 please
  12. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. Then Ill take 1 as well... But no support 2 that green stuff u posted... thats what food (meat) eats.
  14. Re: Lame

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Best ... no - perfect ... response from an account I've seen in a while.
  15. Boar is actually really good
  16. Re: Lame

    +10 terrapoints
  17. If you looked in event thread (page7) KaW already said Tofurkey is coming.

    I'm happy I solved this problem before it got a thread.

  18. Shh don't kill my thread. They never confirmed if the tofuturkey is being sourced from local growers who pledge to protest against Monsanto and other evil corporations trying to exploit us through GMO's.