Where were you on 9/11/2001?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by novus-marx, Sep 11, 2015.

  1. You did say I'm wrong. But I've had my say. I'm not trying to derail your thread. Just putting some facts out there.
  2. Everyone who saw what happened to the market knew that it was an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to start buying whatever they wanted and sell it later for profit.
  3. I was hanging out with my friends in the woods, making tree houses. When I came home and heard the news I didnt give a damn bc I was a kid lol. (Mentally I still am)
  4. Most people still are
  5. My moms ballsack
  6. :lol:
  7. I was actually on my way to Texas when it happened
  8. Im from South Africa. I watch it over CNN news. Im thinking of all American people today. So many brave people lost their lives on 9/11. The bravest of them all were the firefighters who went into the towers and the passengers who brought the plane down that was on the why to the White House/Senate
  9. I was headed to my economics class in high school. I was told about the attack while in the restroom between classes. We then spent the entire period listening to the tragic news on the radio.
  10. 9/11 was a direct retaliation to Americas foreign policy. Lives get lost when someone interferes in things the shouldn't, shoulda been more prepared for someone retaliating.
  11. Ugh. 9/11. Honestly look at the Gaza strip or the militia controlled areas of Africa.
  12. Sad, but absolutely correct. I was in 9th grade band class during 9/11. The fact that it was a terrorist attack was all speculation until we saw tower 2 get struck live on CNN. After seeing that and my countrymen having to jump to their deaths to avoid burning to death, I decided to pay them a visit when I grew up and return the favor.
  13. Everyone I know thinks it was Bush that did this..Unfortunate if it's true.
  14. Was told I was at my babysitters. Which the babysitters daughter is my ex gf. Illuminati confirmed?
  15. Well I can tell you this for sure.. Someone did it
  16. Are you sure it was someone? I don't think it was someone
  17. I was getting ready for another day of my senior year in high school... I was very convinced we'd do a draft in USA and I was going to war
  18. On this day I was sitting in home room when the tv turned on like it always did then we saw the first plane hit then the second by the time the principal came over and told all the teachers to turn it off

    Living in a military town next to a military base the school told us we would not be able to go home until the base was off high alert

    Then about 2 hrs later they came over the intercom and said for students who walk home need to go home then people who drove could leave and finally the busses could leave
  19. watching TV lol I was 2
  20. Jet fuel cant melt steel beams #bushdid9/11