unreasonable fears

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by saltyfeet, Sep 10, 2015.

  3. Im 6ft tall and look sexy af
  4. I hate to say it but I agree with ronni :/ ;)
  5. Ily salti full homo
  6. About as hilarious as Stewart from SNL..

    "HEY, look what i can do"
  7. #howtogetinkotfeca
  8. Roni has more sense in her comments than both the thread and the hater.
  9. Dont you wanna tell us all about your old account :lol:
  10. Why would she? Don't see why ppl are so proud of snitching on this game.
    Must be lack of other achievements.
  11. Bro...

    Roni LOVES to boast about her long lost account.

    Dont believe me?

    Just ask her bout it.
  12. Why? U need entertainment? There is an attack button on this game.. don't u have some zaft or fury to hit?
  13. I prefer the steal button, FB 11sdp p:04
  14. Is that what your mum told you?
  15. Brutal ahahaha
  16. ohh look im being spoke about sorry to have kept you waiting crimson . well im very proud of my old account. it holds many good memorys for me. ive rubbed shoulders on it with the kaw elite. it was 3;331 on LB battles. if it wasnt corruptly banned id be not far away from top 100 by now im sure. but bad things happen so that better things come together. and how i am when all elements are thrown against me. you watch me claw my way out and return to former glory !!!
  17. I prefer attack. Pays better.
  18. meet crimson - Lil pain in ur rear . he is one of my groupies !!
  19. I figured lolol.. comment about the button must have hit a nerve..
  20. Been waiting for this moment all my life:
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