Hte blood Raines and the rotwb br

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by IIIIIIUPRISINGFLAMEIIIIII, Sep 9, 2015.

  1. Hey Devs. How are you just have a new post that would be great for all of us and you guys I believe.I think that we should have hte blood rains and Rotw blood rains available at all times as a regular thing. You guys will make bookoo bucks on that I believe especially during promos.Think about it does it really cost you a lot everyone will be more sales and more horns to benefit for their self so everyone will make out. Please take this into consideration it is good for all
  2. ....,,,, <-- add those in your thread and try again.
  3. What the **** are you trying to say? Permanent HtE br and rotwb br?
  4. No support for obvious reasons
  5. Yes I am saying that what is wrong with that I think that is a great idea for everyone in kaw and the devs would give us a lot more gold for a buck and would encourage people to buy more sales and make more money for the games
  6. And what is your obvious reasons Killzone everyone loves hte and hte blood Rains and br rotwb the Devs,make out and we make out its increases sales of seals and horns for devs and a lot more gold for us
  7. If they stick to like they did last summer w 2x n 3x gold or equip ebs, br will be ending shortly
  8. You end up with a lot of big nubs
  9. you know why everyone loves hte br? its once every month.
  10. If devs did it people would use it but its not needed. Many of the br ebs already come close w 11 n 12%. Unless u mean stack w other br aswell
  11. True but alot of those other ebs are long and alot of people do the want to wait that long alot of people such as my self go to war and want a quick fix with big gold those 2 ebs are fast and make both parties happy
  12. I'm just waiting for the devs to realize what a mistake they made when they made HTE a perm eb and move it back to its original purpose a monthly br growth promo.
  13. There is no fun out of it. You always see in wc ss,ts,aff big eb you name it. Changing the eb br more worth it.
  14. Nah. Somethings are better when they happen occasionally.
  15. Exactly, HTE BR is like a gift, once u start receiving a gift often, it's no longer a gift.
  16. Naw we, they will then find a way to milk more money over that. Let's just increase seal drops. Never got one :(
  17. And eventually many will feel like they are entitled to a new, higher percentage br than the hte 15%.

    A lot like with hte. Theres a thread currently on active topics about it right now.
  18. AsoF should be a br paying 20% bonus promotes growth to reap those rewards.
  19. No
  20. Why does there need to be higher percentage br's?

    You realise it doesn't give you any special benefits if everyone is getting it.