Refugee crisis

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -WinterKnight-, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. That is you perception on moral obligations. It holds no higher authority.

    Don't talk about laws and treaties. Laws are being broken daily by supporters of migrants. Which come back to your morals. Which is how you previece things. You are not morally pure enough to be dictating that onto anyone.
  2. So you're saying you're country should break its own laws and let immigrants in Bc other ppl break laws...
  3. No. I'm saying supporters of migrants are breaking laws. It's a fact. Then want to talk about laws, treaties and morals.

    Which gets into greater philosophical and ideological conversation. That's when everyone gets called a racist, and told their opinion is irrelevant.
  4. I'm not disagreeing with you but what laws are they breaking?
  5. I think he has clearly stated that several times already.
  6. Crossing international borders illegally. Using social media to organize illegal convoys to smuggle migrants

    It's coyote tactic minus financial gain as far as I know.
  7. I see thanks for explaining

    @zethor to lazy to go back and look XD
  8. Hydra the un holds the treaties regarding the rights of refugees and the duties of nations towards them.

    That's the website have a look there's links to FAQ and the body of the text.

    Part of the charter recognises that refugees aren't held to the same standard as migrants or tourists regarding crossing borders, so technically refugees aren't committing a crime nor are the supporters helping them.
  9. Which have been upheld if I'm not mistaken so your post is meaningless when supporters are still breaking laws.
  11. Read it.
  12. Im not saying "refugees" are breaking laws. I'm saying their supporters are breaking laws. Then claim a moral authority.

    Plus, not all these people are refugees. Some are migrants. Which aren't the same thing.
  13. Hydra what that's saying is because the eu has rules on how refugees are to be treated then the refugees haven't broken any laws. Once they claim refugee status they are protected by several charters and treaties from both the UN and EU.
  14. And im saying people supporting refugees are breaking the laws by smuggling migrants

    It is facts. Get over it.
  15. Make sure you morally superior individuals take in a migrant family. Open your personal home and take a family.

    Don't just post on KaW. Go do something. Practice what you are preaching. I didn't see any of you speaking out against the tactic of calling people racist. Hypocrites. I won't support taking 65,000 refugees because of people like you.

    This is a European problem. My country funds enough towards all this.
  16. People smugglers are a whole other issue sadly some refugees have used them to get into countries to then claim asylum.

    However that's irrelevant as refugees aren't covered by the same rules of migration as migrants. It's very likely there are migrants mixed in with the refugees entering Europe, that's why each has a case to answer to determine their status.
    If they are shown to be refugees then they can apply for asylum and a chance to build a new life.
    If they are found to be migrants then they will likely face deportation.
  17. They need more military support in the war zones. No country can support an influx of millions of people at once......nowhere to put them. The UN knows what is happening and refuses to get involve. Just like Obama refuses to get involved. The neighboring countries need to shut their borders in order to stop any blood shed as a result of the Radical groups sneeking across the borders.
  18. No it isn't another issues. It is directly related and you refuse to admit because it's doesn't support your argument. Which makes you morally devoid, not morally superior.
  19. WinterKnight simple fact that one is claiming the "refugee" status in a country doesn't give him the right to wandering free in the country. They must stay in immigration centers/camps for a given time. So yes...those running from Hungarian immigration camps broke the law. Those marching on railroad distrupting trains schedule broke the law. Those marching on highway distrupting the road traffic and jeopardise their and other people lives broke the law.
  20. Is what they are doing is paying smugglers to transport migrants into Europe. These migrants were refugees that found safe haven in Turkey. These people want to leave because of work related issues. Not because their life is in danger from military conflict.

    What the smugglers are doing is 100% illegal. Now they have Europeans running illegal convoys over international borders smuggling people out of Hungary. Which is 100% illegal.

    I'm suppose to support this based on their morals. If not I am a moral inferior individual who is no better than a racist bigot.