Refugee crisis

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -WinterKnight-, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. Sad thing is, America spends more money just throwing money at the issue but not housing refugees than it would if it actually allowed refugees to come to the States and take refuge.

    Germany will house over 500,000
    France will house many as well.

    USA (maybe 1,000 to 2,000) but the USA is sending 4 billion worth (more than what would be needed to store 500,000 people, towards the crisis towards unspecified things that claim to help the refugees.

    US votes before October 1st on its worldwide refugee spending ceiling. (This includes money going out and money used to keep them save on our land.)
  2. We spend the most money on refugees. Followed by Japan.

    USA, Japan,European Commission, Sweden, and the Netherlands were top 5 in 2012.
  3. Maggot it actually spend three times as much on it's bombing campaign as it's aid.

    That said it has been one of the most generous givers to the UNHCR, historically the USA has been generous in assisting crisis.
  4. Prove it Winter. Links and citations.
  5. All you complaining about money don't even know how small the amounts of money is actually spent. It honestly needs more because as of now, most are living in tents.

    Those scared of terrorist don't know that nations like the US and UK generally make refugees go though a 2 year process before being let out of their community.

    The camps are still hell. But it's better than being shot at. And the travel is hell. All they want is safety for theirselves and their children as Syria Rips itself to shreds. And yeah, military action and help will go a long ways.

    Still, until the crisis is over, those people need our help.
  6. They donate, yeah. But they do not house the refugees. And housing or tents, or camps is what is needed.

    I'm just pointing out that more money was spent donating for others to deal with the refugees than for the USA to actually lend a hand with taking in some of the refugees until the war is over.
  7. Yup because your allowed to post links into the Forum
  8. Yes you are. Reputable links are acceptable.

    Let's see who has funded what. The last 7-8 years highlighted in a 30 year sample?
  9. Sorry to correct myself they are THE most generous giver USD$992m

    The cost of the kinetic operations as of aug15th is $US 3.7B
    That's from DOD website ... nt-Resolve

    Enjoy hydra
  10. Those people reached to Turkey. There's no war in Turkey. They runned away. Why? Scared of being shot? Later they managed to reach to Greece. There's no war in Greece neither. Yet they wasn't happy. They kept running. Scared of being shot? Then they reached to Serbia. Same story as Turkey and Greece. Runned away. Scared of being shot? Then they managed to enter Hungary. There's no wars in Hungary neither. Yet they keep running. Scared of being shot? Several east european countries offered to shelter some of these "war refugees". All European Union countries therefore stable countries and countries where's no wars. Most of them declined the offer because they'd get less wages in eastern Europe. But it's ok. Keep chitchatting about how these guys are poor war refugees running for their lives and not economic immigrants.
  11. Vlad it has a lot to do with the refugee policies of some countries.
    If you claim refuge in some countries you have as much as a 90% chance of being denied Asylum other countries the odds are much nearer 80% of being accepted and allowed to stay. If you had a choice where would you claim asylum ? Is the system perfect ? No not even close but don't blame people for trying to find the best Possible outcome for them and their families.
  12. That is perfect Winter. Thank you. Read it close people. I can work with that, I would like to see arms sales as well, BUT BEGGARS CANT BE CHOOSERS. Or so they say.
  13. Don't have stats on arms sales sadly. Syria gets large numbers of it's arms via Russia and Iran. The various rebel groups relied on other non governmental sources.
    I know a lot of the funding has come from the gulf states but not exact figures.
  14. WinterKnight...again. They decline the shelter offered in several Eastern European countries, also members of European Union. They was asked to go there. Has nothing to do with asylum policies. There reasoning to decline the offer was lower wages.

    I'm homeless you offer me shelter. I decline the offer because you don't have swimming pool. Poor war immigrant me. Funny thing is that plenty of idiots will feel mercy for me.
  15. With same reasoning all Mexicans can immigrate to USA. Gang wars refugees. Simple.
  16. This "refugees crisis" is not about European countries trying to send them back to Syria. None of european union leaders asked for this. This whole outburst is caused by immigrants running from camps, avoiding border check points because they don't want to be registered. And why? Because they want to reach to Germany only and not to be spread across whole European Union according to newest agreements between European countries. War refugees my ass.
  17. Vlad you don't think they have real reasons to flee Syria ?

    Yes people are avoiding certain areas because of real economics reasons that doesn't mean the underlying reasons to flee aren't valid.

    Hungary isn't welcoming refugees so why would people want to stay ? Germany has been welcoming and accepting to the people who reach it so why wouldn't people go there.
  18. Op America needs to focus on our own problems here . Once the country us outta debt maybe we can think about others. Everyone complains when America sticks their nose in stuff so they should leave these probs to the countries they are in.I do however send prayers and best wishes to the refugees . They need to march on thier capitals and demand freedom and justice. If thier leaders deny them these things they should physical remove them from office. Same can be said for America also
  19. They are migrants mostly. "Economic refugees". Pakistan, Afghanistan, men running from Iraq and Syria. Africans.

    At first I bought all the "refugee" scenario. Then I started trying to help. I found something totally different. With the actions and refusal of migrants to settle anywhere but where they choose, people have every right to question that with out insinuation of racism and bigotry. That is why I did what I did.

    The gateway countries have been severed. Syria and Libya. We know who is to blame. It's not the people.
  20. Hydra I said before migrants and refugees are different things.

    Yes the numbers struggling to get to Europe are increasing as the situation in the area around Syria grows worse.

    That said the numbers trying to get into Europe are dwarfed by the numbers trapped in horrendous conditions in the Middle East. Those can't be described as economic migrants.