Season 5 Positive Review!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Filthy_Maggot, Sep 7, 2015.

  1. Season 5 is over.

    This is my experience.

    I actually had a lot of fun with season 5. There was Inactives, moles, and pure spies opening everywhere. It was chaotic; filled with soul crushing loses and heart pounding wins. It were war!

    My season started out with a lot of loses. Most of my wins came form either when Chewy, Gabe, CrumbleWarror, Tristan, or Jedi was the War Commander. There were a few others but those were the once a I was mainly on.

    My bracket, (under Leaderboard) produced a lot of different style of builds to include the SSH. Many players in my match ups ended this season in the top 100, so it was a very competitive grouping in my mind.

    Well I kept losing more than winning and eventually decided to learn how to War Command myself. Well I learned from one of the best. Chewy

    Then like a light switch the wins started to roll in. I would win 4 or 5 in a row, lose one, then Win some more. It was amazing that I was able to lead my teams to victory! With help of veteran players and awesome team mates who was willing to Xstal and track.

    My proudest moment was winning an advantage war by less than 30 million with an Xstal call for tanks at 40 seconds left in the war. That was with a mole and an inactive!


    Then it all came to Sunday. I was at the river with the dogs, I had 47 medallions and needed just 1 win to get 50.

    Tristen convinced me to WC despite having no paper or pin to set up my brief and lay out the basic set up.

    So I caveman it. Wrote the brief and basic set up on rocks using a smaller rock as a pin.

    We took the lead and never gave it back. I had help from Pheonix and Tristen when some of my calls were off and from there we just won.

    War Commander Caveman style.

    And the results thanks to an awesome team!

    Let's not forget d3viLd0c's awesome tracking with Pin and Paper!

    It truly was an awesome end to an awesome season.

    See you all in Season 6 (if we have one)

    Thank you all for the fun times and the awesome memories!

    [title2]Tell me your S5 Stories![/title2]

    Since we hear the complaints from a few different players, I want to hear from players, like myself, who enjoy S5!

    Tell me your story in the comment section below!" style="max-width: 100%;" />
  • You barbarian.
  • what a creative way to draw up a plan
  • Thank you, thank you.
  • Very impressive! Awesome way to take wc to a whole new level!!
  • Rocked my world 
  • Thank you very much.

    Tristen was the one who convinced me to do it. 
  • Lol you was so hyped to get me to do it too.. Lol
  • Damn.

    Let's make some stone tablets and sell them to wannabe war commanders
  • Yeah? who tracked that war filthy???
  • Yes! With pin and paper, that was awesome!
  • I WC with rocks and Devil tracked old school.
    We won without an SS and with out the fancy tracker programs and SS's we won this thing creatively with a truly awesome team!

    We also unfortunately had a surprise inactive due to medical reasons.

    It was very memorable.
  • Niiiice I was on your team that war with my account Eaglesword2 was a good one evnt though I wasn't on for a lot of it lol! Remember you saying you were camping with your dogs or something but didn't realize this is how u wcd that's awesome 
  • Cherry says she wars from her iRock as a joke. Didn't know people actually do it on iStones.
  • iRock and iStone are next lever Tools.
  • Season five has been my fave season so far. Yes it had its faults but less so than other seasons. It was competitive and had some real good warriors. Its by far the best since s1/2. Those were great too but not very well organized and not many war builds.
  • In 1000 years those rocks will be discovered and they'll be trying to decipher what they mean.
  • Excellent thread. Kudos to you Maggot. S5 did have some serious problems, but it was fun as well.
  • Outstanding work :eek: I'm seriously impressed. I was beyond pleased to work with and against you filthy. In the few wars I completed nearly all my wins had you on my side.

    I enjoyed the season but it's the friends we make that keeps the game strong ️