s5 Crown change to Gold/Silver

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Unruly, Sep 7, 2015.

  1. This is just a short petition to try to get the devs to make a quick color change to the s5 crown, gold for top10 and silver for top100. Looks ugly af atm next to lv15 or other gold equip. Probably won't happened but how hard could a quick color change be?
  2. its just like the top 10 nomad crossbow event where the non enchanted top 10 golden crossbow got complains
    Support though. Make it the crown a +15 crown to make it look good lol
  3. Crown not enchant able
  4. Yeah a gold helmet would look pretty nice else especially with all the other equip that are gold, also add a enchant circle in the background behind the equip so it's not so plain
  5. Support 50%

    The color could be better. The enchantment could be different than that of the Mage levels. Instead of yellow, red, and orange
  6. So let me get this straight, one of 9 top 10 SH wants to petition the KAW community to fix your crown color cause you don't like it? Yeah, let's get all the other accounts in KAW to support your request <not>

    Here's another idea for a short petition, how about we ask Devs to eliminate SOS on the High Lands
  7. Asking for a all around crown change not just top 10
  8. No support either way
  9. And if u want to fund my growth be my guest, the ATk/balanced crown does look a lot better than the spy one actually
  10. This.
  11. Only support about top 10 top 100 is kind of pointless since there would only be 30 non color crowns
  12. Support, idgaf he can have a different crown color.
  13. Everyone who got over 10medals in s5 gets a crown
  14. I support added enchantment levels to make it look better, looks terrible compared to other equip because of it