what game you prefer?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DE_screamkill_DE, Sep 6, 2015.

  1. cansy crush or minesweeper? wahahahaha
  2. Re: GOODBYE:road to extinction

  3. Re: GOODBYE:road to extinction

  4. Mind sweeper
  5. Two totally unrelated things...

    I prefer Red Dead Redemption.
  6. Free hte br max xtal ffa items now @ Beasts of the revenant
  7. Nghhhghhhyaaaah!!!
  8. Goat simulator
  9. Lol Yes.

    I recently started playing Goat Simulator Z.
  10. Was a waste of my money, after about a week of use broke and started running at 0fps. Not even that fun, more entertaining to watch someone else play it.
  11. I wanna hotdog
  13. Mustard? Ketchup? Both? Onions? Sausage?
  14. At the minute I am enjoying heavily modded Fallout NV and Mount and Blade Warband: Persino Module.
  15. I found what might be the worlds worst PC fps.

  16. Warface is awesome! I have over 200 hours on it.
  17. As do I. It's terrible but I love it lol.
  18. Does cansy crush have multiplayer
  19. I think he meant pansy crush AJ
    You know, the game for old white men from the 60's.
    Love that game.