who are you?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Deadlynoob_, Sep 6, 2015.

  1. Now my question here is, who have you been in this game? Like, what accounts have you had that no one knows about? I do understand that a lot of you are not willing to admit this, but hey if you are please do. I think it will be interesting.

    Also, I want people to speculate on who could be who. Show me a little proof on why you think someone is someone else also. I think this could be a very controversial thread and could open a lot of discussion.

    Now I can't just make this thread without explaining my motive can I?

    I was just thinking about all of my identities through out this game. I will be willing to explain all of my accounts through out the game and what all I have done with them.

    My first account: -eternal-chaos-. I made this account in I think 2012. I began my journey in KAW not doing much. Plunder wars were still around so I did some of those. I eventually found the clan the lonely planet. That was my all time favorite clan for a long time. I remember hitting the haunting and failing 2/5's of the time, but I still hit away because it was the best plunder for me at the time. I then moved on to Murphs all the way, until it ultimately got destroyed.after that I went to ZAFT faith for the war with YAFI, I left, joined SICnISS for a long time. I roamed after SICnISS frequently going to Sons of Sparta, and trying to get into other top war clans. I then lost my iPod for this account and lost the account with it. I recovered this account in early 2015 and just kept it with my friends over at dead rabbit's. It might still be there, I have no idea.

    My second account: xXxKING-CHAOSxXx aka -KING-CHAOS- aka HS-chaos(for like a day lol)aka sinister2. I can honestly say that my most adventurous time on KAW was with this account. I began this account in I think 2013. I am not sure. I played with this account for a while just roaming. I then became a member of day_of_judgement. I eventually left them after a while and tried to go to KOTFE. This is ultimately where my story gets much more interesting. Oh and why was I HS-chaos for like a day? I was going to be an admin in hells sanctuary but then I decided to bail on them.. Sorry about that..(;

    My third account: sinister. Now let me say, I did NOT own this account for most of its KAW life. I did however "get" this account in early 2015. No, do not ask me how. Many of you know how. So well.. I tried to get into KOTFE with King chaos. I failed to do so, so I came into contact with someone and got this account. My sole purpose was to join KOTFE. I did indeed join KOTFE. I joined KOTFE-illuminati for about two weeks. They then kicked me saying I was a mole. Now let me say to KOTFE, I was indeed not a mole but hey. It's alright. Supposedly the previous owners brother was a mole or some bull crap. I dunno. I then traveled to Veritas, and then Caedimus Noctu. I was in both of those clans for like a week then I guess I got accused of being a mole again lol.. I in fact was never a mole. But that doesn't matter now. And then, I got a clan from the account Killzone. She gladly gave me it, and I abused my power with it I will say. I tried to build it up, failed, and disbanded. It was not mine to disband. At this time I was joining B2bFAMILY and I became one of the top admins there. But when KZ found out what I did, she was pissed, and therefore got the guy who had my account before, and he reset me. I then quit KAW.

    My fourth and fifth accounts: Thygunz and il-lion-il. Both of these accounts just roamed really. I was with aviators for a while with thy. I then joined Last Rites with Thy and KOTFE with lion until I just never played enough with the accounts and brought them to dead rabbit's.

    Now I will repeat my questions, who are you in KAW? Who do you think someone else is in KAW?

    PLEASE DO NOT JUST DO THE BULL CRAP AND SAY YOU ARE CELLA/REDSTAR/ any other LB that you are not.. It's not funny.

    I also would like to say hello to all my friends, and that I'm sorry to all of those I lied to about my accounts. I simply made this account to make this thread. Good bye again KAW, I hope to see much discussion on this thread!
  2. I refuse to answer this thread, way too many enemies from way back. Funny thing tho I am being farmed for no reason, while I'm not whining its just a weird experience to be blocked and fail stolen from...
  3. im redstar; redstar says do not quote op.
    redstar out
  4. I'm chicka chicka slim shady
  5. I can't read - some error

    NO SUPPORT - Text format INVALID

  6. While you're kissing her cheeck, now slip this in her drink. Now all you got to do is nibble on this little botches earlobe.
  7. I'm waiting for some annoying kid to say they're Spragga.
  8. If I told you who I have been, there would be witch hunts.
  9. no im RedStar!!
  10. this is my alt
  11. You all know me
  12. Hello, welcome to Spragga's Anonymous. We understand you don't believe you are spragga, and we want to help fix you. Be spragga with us Dinner. Become,
    One of us.
  13. *redstar posts half of the lb names*
  14. "You came in contact with someone and got the account."

    direct violation of ToU or not 
  16. I'm saltyfeet .... I'm also spragga
  17. I've had this account and name since 2011 or 12. I had an alt called fierygrapefruit I never used.
  18. I dunno maybe it is
  19. I use one of meh secret alts to forum with sometimes. Alter egos are keke
  20.  Now I must know. I might have RP'ed with you!