Silver Hoarding Underpriced

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SilverHoardingUnderpriced, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. Just hire the ally and get over it
  2. There is more to it than that. Those allies can be hired in clan for strip funds a few times and still be around market value.
  3. The war rules crap was just for laughs because of the stupid primal wars and the ps1 stacking and then when a certain person said ps1 were good for individual wars at the beginning of the season. Just tired of people thinking ps1 were good for ee wars
  4. Holy ****, zeth.

    How many people do you piss off in this game to have that battle win-loss ratio?

    4000 wins, 2000 losses.
  5. Oh wow. You answered the questions I implied in my ramble.

    No one's ever done that- just ignored me like I was mentally retarded.

    Well, thanks for the exclusive and insightful feedback. I appreciate it.
  6. A LOT.
  7. I always try to answer an individual and try to help people with builds, war strategy, or giving advice.
  8. I do too. But I'm a smart ass. Those cancel each other out.
  9. Zeth, you gotta stop day dreaming when those item phases regen.
  10. There I fixed it.

    Also is it that hard to wait for a response to hire from those in osw? So what you have to wait a little before hiring, is the ally you were eyeing really worth losing a lot if not all your gold?
  11. I prefer Hillshire Farms.

    Pepperidge Farms makes terrible milk.
  12. Cloud for mod ;)
  13. This is an interesting problem.

    However I want to remind the op this is a war game, and if someone wants to hit you for hiring his allies, I see no problem with that.

    You may reject the idea that OSW is a valid reason to close ally hires. Thats okay, but it's your own damn fault if you get called a stripper if you hire without notice.

    This is what I would do. Wall the ally owner. State. " I believe in the free ally market and I believe ally "****" is underpriced. I will hire him in one hour unless you volley him up before this. ". Doing so would keep your motives clear to al.
  14. Yeah, pm the owner and ask. They will really appreciate it.

    Plus it's simple and saves hassle. No need to cause so much trouble.
  15. If you are to scared to hire an ally and to afraid to message someone to buy an ally you need to just quit
  16. I'm just going to throw this out there and I think it is something only LB players will understand. A) not all people respect banners and hire anyway - B) as a LB player you have 10x's the allies that the typical player has - Because you have so many allies and not everyone respects banners, you're constantly being shopped and constantly have to keep buying allies. If your picky about allies, that's time consuming - so it's no wonder LB players don't want you to shop them. That being said, reading over your list of the "biggest SILVER hoarders" they are probably the most chill, and some of the nicest players in kaw. If you ask, they will most likely sell. And if you have issues, like cloud said, talk to him - or I'm happy to help as well. But don't be surprised if you start shopping them and then get stripped by zaft for funding strips 

    Ps - regarding the clan page - that's what MINO does to amuse himself and 80% of the time it is in jest - so take it for what it is worth. We play this game to have FUN and don't take things quite as seriously as you seem to think ️
  17. Never had issues with silver. Only issue I've ever had is with idiots not in OSW tbh.
  18. My shops ALWAYS open if your that bothered about hiring from someone in osw lol
  19. Free ally market if silver or any other clan is using size or alliance to bully ppl into not hiring under priced allies then they r wrong period .