Silver Hoarding Underpriced

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SilverHoardingUnderpriced, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. It NEVER ceases to amuse me how there's always some underhanded players who decide to hoard dozens upon dozens of underpriced allies during osw. Usually these players eventually end up naked sometime during the war, unless of course they're winning there own osw. Since by that standard, the other side would have an easy chance to strip, hire and liquidate funds to further strip again.

    However, some players decide to hide behind OSW banners while their allies and many fellow clannies have open shop. In recent years, this was most widely seen with Cella, Bominator, donno and so on upon repeated osw.

    This day and age, silver seems to have followed that hypocritical stance. Biggest disrespect to the following biggest perpetrators in silver:

    Golden Minotaur

    What say you for your actions to this apparent continued stockpile of underpriced?
  2. And you couldn't say this with a main? People aren't going to take you very seriously with a statless. They never have.
  3. You can also add Larrys and golden to that list
  4. Done Thanks for reminding me lolz
  5. If you're scared to hire them then move the....along dude.
    They're all for sale, 24/7.

    If i was one of silvers members, after reading this thread, id let you hire all you wanted.

    Then id laugh my ass off when i see your next thread about "its not fair, i got stripped because i was funding silver against ....wahh"
  6. Dis
  7. Scared to post with main. We have been in osw for 8 months (even though we were told we would be naked in a week). We will gladly open our allies once zaft ask for cf. Any of the ones you want to hire just pm them as long as not clan mates they will probably sell them to add more funds tobstrip individuals. Any problems just pm me will help fix it
  8. I didn't know having "don't not hire allies" in your banner disabled the Hire button...

    Learn something new everyday
  9. Good way to get hit if they lose any from inc. Since this individual wants to hire during an active osw
  10. No one in zaft or fury can successfully hit your top lb just sayaaan
  11. And almost every LB In all other apocalypse clan has open shop.

    Again cloud, can't dismiss its hoarding underpriced hiding behind banner
  12. We are not apoc for starts so there banners mean little to me. If you want you can hire my allies
  13. Thats seems like there problem not mine. Most will sell if you pm them.
  14. I've seen you repeatedly mock ZAFT lack of incoming in world chat.

    Given your Lb, how can they justify closed shop if ZAFT has no top 200 lb left?
  15. Didn't say it was anyone's problem but it defeats the purpose of dnh banner due to on going osw whenever they are impenetrable to the enemy therefore incapable of losing gold when allies hired. Any who
  16. Cloud, was reading your clan's description.

    Struck me odd as how you guys refer to fight mechanics without defining them.

    I immediately knew what you guys were talking about; I'm extremely literate- I read and write every day in fluent English as well as indulge in all sorts of discussion.

    That's irrelevant though. I know what mechanics are- the workings of a certain whatever, particularly games.

    But a war clan that is hostile to potential new members and offers no encouragement...

    Well, yeah, you guys are a war clan. That's to be expected.

    Just weird since I've never seen any war clan discuss "how to war" in their clan description.

    The OSW clans simply state their family clans and a little status that says they're in OSW; that's the typical structure I see.

    *end ramble*
  17. Remember when statless alts were taken seriously?

    No? Not even Hillshire Farms remembers.
  18. Not anymore...
    Oh hey, you're right. But... Why does that matter?
  19. You would meet most people's definition of a statless alt too. How cute
  20. The "statless alt" argument doesn't even work.

    As we've seen, plenty of new players have been very good forum contributors without touching the game at all.

    Except... Why the hell are you guys growing if you're just here to forum?