I am currently using a lifeproof. It works well under water, protects from drops well, and fits nicely in my pocket but: I had to replace the first one they sent me because the door to the charging port is just plastic and it cracked. This replacement case also just cracked the same way same door. So I'm going to have to call them again for a second replacement. From what I hear this is quite common. Problem is, once this door cracks, it is no longer waterproof.
I am thinking about getting those fall-proof cases. You know, the ones advertised as falling from 10,000 feet up from a space plane and surviving without a scratch. Heavy duty brah
All I have ever used in the past 4 years of owning iPhones is a cheap $10 case with coloured plastic around the edges and a clear plastic back. I like to keep it simple and show off the phone not the case. I always drop my phone and have never broken it in any way. Not even a tiny crack. Expensive cases are overrated.
I have had both for my iPhone 6. I work around machines and have dropped both in oil. Believe it or not, the otter box survived, LP did not. And as for dropping( which I do almost on daily basis), otter box hands down. And of course the feel of otter box in hand is much better. My 2 cents.
I purchased a case from Amazon. Not OtterBox name brand but, same design as one. Very easy to put on, very protective of the phone and a LOT less expensive than the real deal. Check out Amazon or other websites before paying for one at your cell store. I could buy 5 of these for the price of 1 OtterBox.
You know otter box has a warranty for the life of the product? Search otter box warranty and there is a webpage where you submit a claim and they shop a new one to you in days.